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1.1 Background to the Study
When reference is made to sexuality education, minds quickly go to the youths, teenagers and young adults. Such feelings are mutual because these days practically every youth know a thing or two about sex, while others are very much sexually active. The scope of sexuality education is far broader than it appears. Sexuality education has many ancillary concepts, it could be include: relationships, adolescent sexuality education/ love life, premarital sex, teenage pregnancy, rape, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), to mention but a few. Sexuality education could also be on family planning issues.
United Nations Educational Scientific Cultural Organisations (UNESCO) defines sex education as Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) in 2009 as ‘‘an age appropriate, culturally relevant approach to teaching about sex and relationships by providing scientifically accurate, realistic, non-judgmental information’’.
The term sexuality education is the process of acquiring information and forming attitudes and beliefs about sex, sexual identity and sexual behviour (Chikwe & Ekechukwu, 2009). It is desired to replace ignorance, fear, secrecy, and quilt with knowledge, understanding, openness and rationality (Akinade & Suleiman, 2008). Most parents and guardians fail to give their wards sex education, arguing that such education would only arouse inordinate and immoral desires far too early in their life. As a result of this gap in information and knowledge, young stars eventually look to other means as source of enlightenment. When wrong ideologies about sex are learnt from wrong sources, lads and lasses eventual develop wrong attitudes and behaviours sexually. Studies show that the media can have an immense educating impact on the public opinion and behaviour (Burke 1999). The radio as a media of mass communication is noted to be a veritable tool in campaigning for behavioural change; this is termed the mobilization role or function of the mass media.
In carrying out its educational function, people do learn a thing or more from the mass media (radio inclusive) either consciously or unconsciously, this is where the radio comes in, sex education can be carried out via the radio, either deliberately in form of live programmes, talk shows, debates etc.
Against this backdrop, this research focused on how the radio has proven to be a medium of campaign for sex education in Bonny Local Government Area, Rivers State.
1.2 Statement of the Problem
There is an increasing problem in Nigeria today as regards to moral laxity, promiscuity, unwanted pregnancy, abortion, Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI), forced marriage, school dropout etc.
Hence, the relevance of sex education in the rural area of this country is the justification of this study.
For the society to fight against teenage pregnancy, diseases, rape etc. in our various localities, there is a need for the enlightenment of the youths on the dangers of premarital sex. The performance of this duty can be carried out by the parents and guardians or through programs by the media especially the radio because it’s in every household no matter the social status. Some parents failed in their duties to communicate and, most youths prefer talking to total strangers. It’s the duty of the radio to carry out campaigns that encourage sexual education in our community. Some parents find it hard to educate their teens on sex due to the fear of alerting them about sex, not considering the facts that they might have been sexually active.
Thus, the radio designs programs that will help to enlighten and educate the youths on sex and prevention of teenage pregnancy and rape in the society. However, issues of the past years have shown that most of the media organisations do not consider this as paramount in their line of duties because the rate of teenage pregnancy and abortion keeps going high in most localities.
In a research carried out by E.D. Nakpodia (2012) on the relevance of sex education in secondary school curricula in Abraka metropolis, Delta State, Nigeria. In the introduction he stated that: human sexuality has biological, emotional and physical or spiritual aspects... and experience has shown that adolescents are curious about some or all the aspects of their sexuality as well as the nature of sexuality in general, and that many will wish to experience their sexuality.
Bonny Island is not an exception in this respect. According to surveys carried out and observations across the state shows that Bonny has one of the highest rates of teenage pregnancy in Rivers State and since much prominence isn’t given by the community in educating the youths the issue and the parents are afraid of passing this information. It is for this reason that this research is designed to investigate radio as a medium of campaign for sex education in Bonny Local Government Area in Rivers State. The issue now is: how can the radio as a medium be used effectively in sexuality education ?
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The objectives of this study are:
To find out whether the radio carries campaign for sex education in Bonny Local Government Area.
To find out whether the people of Bonny Local Government Area listen to radio campaigns.
To ascertain the influence of the radio campaign for sex education on the people of Bonny Local Government Area.
To find out the right time for the campaign to be carried out in order for the messages to get the people of Bonny Local Government Area.
To ascertain the influence of sex education on the youths of Bonny Island.
1.4 Research Questions
Is the radio a veritable medium of campaign for sex education in Bonny Local Government Area?
Do the people of Bonny Local Government Area listen to radio campaigns?
What is the influence of the radio campaign for sex education on the people of Bonny Local Government Area?
What is the right time for the campaign to be carried out in order for the messages to get the people of Bonny Local Government Area?
What is the influence of sex education on the youths of Bonny Island?
1.5 Significance of the study
This study is of importance, not just as an academic research work, but as a means of enlightenment and to add to the knowledge of the members of the public especially the youths and sexuality counsellors alike.
It is important because it will bring to knowledge what the sexuality education is all about and how such education would help youths acquire accurate information on sexuality, thereby dispelling myths about sex. Furthermore finds would help the youths to develop life skills: such as critical thinking, decision making skills etc and positive attitudes and values.
It would benefit sexuality counsellors because findings would reveal how the radio as a medium of mass communication can be adequately utilised in mobilising youths to have attitudinal and behavioural change positively toward sexuality. In addition, findings from this work will be valuable literature to the both students and researchers who will delve into related topics.
1.6 Scope of the study
The interest of this research lies in how the radio can be used as a good tool in campaigning for sex education in Bonny Local Government Area. The scope of this research geographically is Oloma village in Bonny Local Government Area, with focus mainly on the youths. It is necessary to note here in other to douse any confusion that all radio stations operating in rivers state is part of the scope. This is because there is no particular station that is peculiar to just residents of Oloma Village in Bonny Local Government Area.
1.7 Limitation of the Study
As with many if not most researches, finance, scarcity of invaluable materials posed some limitations to this research. In addition to the aforementioned, respondents especially student respondents were wary about the purpose of the research.
1.8 Definition of Terms
Radio: A system of telecommunication employing electromagnetic waves of a particular frequency range to transmit speech or other sound over long distance without the use of wires.
Medium: This is the particular process through which a message is sent to the audience.
Campaign: Awareness carried out in other to educate, spread information and also create a forum where the issues can be resolved. To enlighten and raise awareness on a particular issue that is destroying the morals of the society.
Sex Education: Sex education is an instruction given to adolescents and sometimes adults on issues relating to human sexuality.
Bonny: An island situated at the southern edge of Rivers state in the Niger Delta area of Nigeria near Port Harcourt
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