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5.0     Preliminary remarks
          This chapter is aimed at summarizing the findings of the evaluation of the students attitude towards foreign programme on independent television.
5.1     Summary of findings
          The purpose of this project work is to evaluate the attitude of students towards foreign programmes on independent television. It was set out to find out the attitude towards foreign programmes and if it influences them negatively or positively.
          The work carried out a primary research on final year student of University of Port Harcourt from the eleven faculties. An observation of the students through questionnaire was also carried out.
          Therefore, the following findings is the summary of the findings: thus, that final year students of university of Port Harcourt watch foreign programmes more often than the local programmes on independent television. The students are greatly exposed to foreign programmes on independent television. It was also discovered that students do believe that foreign programmes are unhealthy to the existence of our cultural heritage.
5.2     Conclusion
          This project work has been able to confirm that final year student of university of Port Harcourt are greatly exposed to foreign programmes on independent television. The students see these foreign programmes as changing their lifestyle for the better.
5.3     Recommendations
          This project work was able to evaluate how final year students of university of Port Harcourt act towards foreign progammes on independent television. It is recommended that the independent station in Port Harcourt should broadcast more of local programmes and less of foreign ones. This will reduce the rate of exposure. It is also recommended that the students should discipline themselves in term of their attitude of over dependence on foreign programs on the independent television.  

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                                                                   Department of Linguistics
                                                                   and Communication Studies,
                                                                   Faculty of Humanities,
                                                                   University of Port Harcourt,
                                                                   Rivers State.

Dear Respondent,

I am a final year student of University of Port Harcourt carrying out a research on “Evaluating the Attitude of Students, towards Foreign Programmes on Independent Television”. It is an academic requirement for the award of Bachelor of Arts (B.A) degree.

To this end, I have designed this questionnaire to enable you to provide answers to. I assure you that information supplied will be treated confidentially.

Kindly answer the questions on the attached sheets by choosing the alternative that suit you.

                                                                             Yours sincerely,


Please tick good or mark √ as applicable to each question. Where there is no box, kindly write your views or opinion in the space provided.
1.     Do you have access to television?
a.     Yes    (    )
b.     No     (    )

2.     Do you watch foreign programmes on Independent Television?
a.     Yes    (    )
b.     No     (    )

3.     Which of these programmes do you often view on Independent Television?
a.     News/current affairs      (    )
b.     Fashion                                   (    )
c.      Music/Drama                           (    )
d.     Cartoons                                 (    )

4.     Which of these programmes are you exposed to the more?
a.     Foreign                 (    )                      Local           (     )
b.     Africa                   (    )                      National      (     )
c.      American              (    )                      Yoruba       (     )
d.     European             (    )                      Igbo            (     )
e.      Asian          (    )                      Hausa         (     )
f.       Australian            (    )                      Minorities(     )
5.     What is your attitude towards foreign programmes?
a.     Yes    (    )
b.     No     (    )

6.     Does the foreign programmes influence the attitude of students?
a.     Yes    (     )
b.     No      (     )

7.      In your own opinion, how do you think the foreign television programmes influence the attitude of students
a.     Positive       (    )
b.     Negative     (    )
c.      Uncertain (    )

8.     Do you believe that foreign programmes are unhealthy and harmful to the existence of our cultural heritage?
a.     Yes    (    )
b.     No     (    )

9.     Are you addicted to any foreign programme?
a.     Yes   (     )
b.     No     (    )

10.      If “yes” to the above, please specify which: ………………………

11.      Do they in any way influence your attitude?
a.     Yes      (    )
b.     No       (    )

12.      In what area have these foreign programmes influence you he more?
a.     Greeting             (     )
b.     Eating                (     )
c.      Dancing             (     )
d.     Singing               (     )
e.      Dressing   (     )
f.       Talking              (     )

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