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          This chapter helps to explain various methods used to carryout this research on the influence of climate change on growing agricultural products in Itu Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. It is treated under the following sub-headings;
3.1            Research design
3.2            Area of the study
3.3            Population for the study
3.4            Sample and sampling techniques
3.5            Instrumentation for data collection
3.6            Validity of the instrument
3.7            Reliability of the instrument
3.8            Administration of instrument
3.9            Data analysis technique

3.1     Research Design
          The research design used in the study is the descriptive survey. According to Nworgu (1991, p. 58), descriptive surveys are those studies which aim at collecting data on, and describing in a systematic manner, the characteristics, features and facts about a given population. It is used in the study of a large population through a representative sample in order to find out and describe existing phenomena (Joshua, Ekuri and Asim 2002).
          This is most suitable for the study as the sample used for the research study are not subjected to experiment but find out the impact of variable of the study.
          Furthermore, the researcher will collect data from a large sample of the farmers in Itu Local Government Area to find out and describe the influence of climate change on growing agricultural products such as cocoa, fluted pumpkin and fishery.
3.2     Area of the Study
          The study was carried out in Itu Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State. Itu Local Government Area is located in the mangrove swamp forest zone of Nigeria and it is bounded in the west by Ibiono Local Government Area in the west by Cross River State, to the south by Uran Local Government Area and to the north by Arochukwu in Abia State. Itu lies at latitude 5oN, 48ow and longitude 8o4.678 E. The maximum annual mean temperature of the area is 29oC to 34oC. The area receives abundant insulation during the day.
          Rainy season commence in the area around march and extends to October while the dry season occurs November to February. A short dry period (August break) occurs between the last week of July and early August (Ayoade, 1998). It is highly and evenly distributed.
          The area is living in a low lying coastal region that is vulnerable to climate change impact. The vegetation of the area is predominately the lowland rain forest formation, which has been distributed over the year.
          The soil in the area is fertile and supports a large human population. The population of the people in the area is 127,856 (NPC, 2006) and their major occupation is farming and fishing.
3.3     Population for the Study
          Itu Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State is divided in five (5) clans as follows: Itam, Okuiboku, Ayadehe, Itu and Mbiabo. The population for this study is twenty-five thousand four hundred and six (25, 406) farmers comprises of thirteen thousand five hundred and thirteen (13513) male and eleven thousand eight- hundred and ninety-three (11893) female farmers who are actively involved in crop production and fish farming.
3.4     Sample and Sampling Technique
          A sample of 500 farmers were selected for the study. Stratified random sampling were used to draw the sample from the five (5) villages of the five (5) clans in Itu Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.
          In each of these villages, one hundred (100) farmers were chosen using simple random techniques. The total respondents from each village was one hundred (100) farmers. On the whole, there were five hundred (500) respondents from the 5 villages of the 5 clans to represent the entire Itu Local Government Area of Akwa Ibom State.
3.5     Instrumentation for Data Collection
          The instrument developed by the researcher in addition to textbooks, internet, seminar papers, journals and newspapers were used for data collection. The researcher constructed a non-cognitive questionnaire. The items of the questionnaire were divided into section ‘A’ and ‘B’ respectively. Section A was designed to elicit information on the demographic factors, that is age, marital status, farming experience etc. and section B was structured statement designed to elicit information from respondents based on the sub-variables under investigation.
          The questionnaire contains 47 items altogether 10 items on section A, while section B contains 37 positive and negative keyed items. The items of the instrument will be responded to on a 5-point Linkert scale of Strongly Agreed (SA), Agree (A), Undecided (U), Disagreed (D) and Strongly Disagreed (SD).
3.6     Validity of the Instrument
          The researcher instrument was face and content validated by the researcher’s supervisors and two experts in measurement and evaluation. Their comment and suggestions provided basis for improving the quality of the instrument.
3.7     Reliability of the Instrument
          The reliability of the instrument was established using test-retest method. A test interval of two weeks was allowed between the administrations of the two tests. Scores from the two test administration was correlated using Pearson-product moment correlation co-efficient statistics. A correlation efficient of 0.78 was sustain and this considered adequate for the study.
3.8     Administration of Instrument
          The researcher will develop good level of rapport with the respondents and explain the need for them to respond honestly to the items of the questionnaire. The purpose of the questionnaire will also be made known to the respondent to avoid being bias in answering the item questions.
          Copies of the questionnaire will them be administered directly to the respondents by the researcher. Instruction pertaining to the filling of the questionnaire will be thoroughly explain to the respondents. For illiterate farmers among the respondents, everything about the questionnaire including the instructions and the questionnaire items will be explained to them in their vernacular and filled by the researcher based on oral responses of the illiterate farmers. The filled questionnaire will be collected on the spot.
3.9     Data Analysis Technique
          The data collected through the questionnaire for the purpose of this study survey were presented in table and analyse with simple percentage.

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