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5.0     Introduction        `
          This chapter deals with the summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation of this research work.
5.1     Summary of Findings
          This work basically investigated parental involvement in the communication development of children in Choba Obio/Akpor Local Government Area.
          This work is in five chapters in the first chapter, the researcher gave a brief introduction of communication and child language development.
          In the chapter two the researcher reviewed literatures bordering on parental involvement in communication development of children, also the stages of child development and  theories of child language development.
          Chapter three the researcher gave detailed on research design, area of study, research population and the method of data collection and also the procedures used in obtaining it.
          Chapter four gave a detailed on analysis of data, tables were used to analyzed the data to show information retrieved from the questionnaire and the background information of respondents.         Chapter five summaries the work, giving it findings, conclusion and recommendations.
 In the course of this research work the major findings were discovered.
1.     Parents in Choba Obio/Akpor Local Government Area are not much involved in the communication development of their children and these children might have a problem in their communication development.
2.     They don’t communicate with their children to an extent, due to their job designation. It appears that they are not a good communicator to their children.
3.     Most especially fathers are not involved, they left the child’s   communication lies on the hands of the mothers to take care of and they also felt it is their responsibility.
5.2     Conclusion
          It is an undisputed fact as shown in this study that there is little challenges in the parental involvement of their child communication development. Parents have a lot of roles to play in the communication development of their children.
          One of the feature of good parental upbringing or involvement is when the both parents are involved in the raising of their child.
          The period when the child mind is ready to learn and the brains is ready to develop, if the both parents are involved you will find out that the child will have a good language development and also a good  communication skills Parents are the only communicator and teacher of their child. What a child learn in childhood can help him/her in his future abilities.

5.3     Recommendations
          So much have happened in the field of communication development. A number of persons have existed and past to the great sociologists, scientists, linguists etc. Everyone of them in this little way contributed to the development of communication skills one way or the other.
          Since then, man has not rested, trying his own best adopting techniques in communication development,in oder to develop and  improve the teaching and learning of communication processes.
          Therefore it is in light of this that the researcher is making this recommendation that both parents should be involved in communication development of their children and also further research should be carryout in this area specifically provides solution to the human and social problem facing the child’s communication development. 

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Sperber, D. & O. Wilson (1990), Relevance: Communication and Cognition. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
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Worcestershire (2011), How can Professionals Support Parents. Accessed from http://www.worcestershire.com.Retrieved February 10 2014.
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                                                          Department of Linguistic and,
                                                          Communicate Studies
                                                          University of Port Harcourt
                                                          Port Harcourt
                                                          Rivers State.

Dear Madam,

This questionnaire is designed with the aim of investigating and finding out parental involvement in the communication development of their children as well as the need for parents to know the normal stages of child language development in other to know when their child communication and development is deviant. We solicit your co-operation in properly completing and returning same for enable its identify the areas where we can help parent and intend parent as well.

Yours sincerely,


Fill/tick in the appropriate answer to the space provided

1.     Sex             Male                     Female

2.     Age             20-30 30-45         45-above
3.     State of origin:………………………………………….
4.     Occupation:…………………………………………….
5.     Address:…………………………………………………
1.     How many children do you have? …………………………….
2.     What is the position of the child? …………………………….
3.     How many hours do you spend with your child in a day?
i.    4-6 hrs                      ii. 6-8hrs               iii. 8-12hrs
iv.12-16hrs                    v. 24 hrs

4.     Does your child use sounds and gesture to get and keep attention? Yes         No          CNT
5.     Does your child seem to recognize your voice and go quite if crying?        Yes             No                   CNT
6.     Does your child startle at loud sounds? Yes         No
6b. If yes, how good does your child startle at loud sounds?
Excellent           Very good           Good          Fair             Bad 

7.     Does your child drop toy without watching result?       Yes     No
8.     Do you communicate with your child? Yes         No
8b. If yes, how do you communicate with your child?
i.    By talking to your child when breastfeeding him/her
ii.  By responding to your child when he/her babbles
iii.By providing the basic need if your child
iv. By listening to your child when he talks to you
v.   By correcting your child when he makes mistakes

9.     Does your child have different ways of expressing his/her needs?  Yes     No               CNT
9b. If yes, how can you differentiate the cry of each need?
i.    Cries loudly when hungry
ii.  Cries a little when he/she wants to be carried
iii.Babbles and kicks when happy
iv. Cries loudly when uncomfortable
v.   Tells you when he/she wants anything
10. Does your child imitate different speech sounds?
Yes                  No              CNT
10b. If yes, how well does your child imitate the sounds?
Excellent          Very good            Fair             Bad             CNT

11.    Does your child say 1 or 2 words like hi, dog, dada and mama? Yes                No             CNT

12.    Do you play with your child? Yes       No
    12b. If Yes, how often? Always    Sometimes  Rarely  
          Not at all

13.   What are the outcomes of parental involvement in the communication development of children?
i.    Good language development
ii.  Good understanding of language
iii.Good speech development
iv. Good communication skills
v.   Healthy and Happy child
14.   What are barriers to effective parental involvement?
i.    Lack of parental involvement in the raising of their child?
ii.  Poor nutrition
iv. Lack of communication
v.   Inadequate love and care
15.   What factors contributes to the success of parental involvement?
i.                   Involvement of both parent in the raising of their child
ii.                 Show your child love
iii.              Good nutrition
iv.              Conducive environment
v.                 Socialization

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