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This study, “influence of foreign films on the behaviour of students of Olobo Premier College, Choba” has some of its objectives as follows: to find out whether students of Olobo Premier College watch foreign films, and if they are influenced by foreign films. To achieve this, survey method was adopted and the instrument was the questionnaire, the population was over 200 students within the classes of SSI-SSIII and the sample size was 160, using the census technique. The sampling method used was the purposive sampling technique. The findings of the study show that SS1-111 students of Olobo premier college have a higher percentage of students who watch foreign films that tend to expose them to ways of doing things and neglecting their cultural values. The study recommends among others that Nigerians should work more on local content. If Nollywood films produce high quality video and intriguing story lines, the way foreign films does, most Nigerian students would opt for it. By so doing, the films would promote our indigenous values through that medium thereby making the students relate more to the stories being told.
1.1 Background to the study
The influence of foreign films on the behaviour of students has become a worrisome thing all over the country. When we say influence we mean the effect or impact that foreign films have on students. According to Bernard Berelson (1959) he said that “some kinds of communication on some kinds of issues brought to their attention of some kinds of people under some kinds of conditions have some kinds of effects. The role of television in the modern world has been primarily one of entertainment, this is a very vital aspect of mass communication.
In other words, how we communicate, through which means and how does the listener receive the message. This according to Harold D. Laswell boils down to “who says what in which channel, is the medium used for disseminating or relaying the message. The receiver and the influence it has on him stand out distinctly on the other end. A major event on the television growth occurred in 1956, when video tape was used for the first time with the advent of video tape, events could be recorded for later broadcast and still retain “live look”.
In the wake of the twentieth century the rate of violence (which is part of the change in behavior) seem to have reached its peak, these phenomenon can be linked to the growth of sophisticated technology, like television, videotape and even film production.
Never before, since the early 1980’s had the Nigerian youths faced the awesome challenges.
Note that emphasis on the degree of adaptability of student’s to what they see and how it influence’s their behavior including mode of dressing, language, relationship at school, etc. The imitations of the model by the youth’s entail an influence by someone in a certain direction. Therefore, by considering what role models are offered by and chosen from the media an answer to Laswells “who” and “what” is implied. The television, film and comics offer to contemporary youths a great variety of role models who offer styles of life to youth and with whom they may identify. In Nigeria today there is a general belief that there are many foreign films on our television and according to AIU (1982) after a study on the impact the media content on Nigeria youths on clouded. The Nigeria youths/students have become a brain washed set of youths who think more of other people’s culture of such programmes, shown on television produced overseas. About 97 percent of such programmes have violent and romantic traits. In a period of one week alone a young man/woman will have watched over twenty foreign films and episodes, seen thousands of death and heart-breaks, heard harsh and brutal language like “fuck you”, “son of a bitch”, “Nigger men” and “kiss my ass” etc.
Films can be sources of entertainment, but some like karate films, boxing, wrestling, horror films, crime related films and romantic films etc could have a gruesome effect on the youths. Indeed there are still some observers who believe that viewing foreign violent films can reduce the direct expression of aggressive behaviour. The theory goes back to Aristotle, who believes that dramatic presentation produces a stimulus for discharging of feeling buy audience.
Most experts in the field now agree that there is clear evidence of a positive relationship between foreign violent films and later aggressive behaviour.
Inadvertently this piece of work will also look at the avenue open to the government, parent, Nigeria Film Corporation in producing of indigenous films, that are not only entertaining but also educating which will portray our rich cultural heritage for all to see. The application of censorship in rationing sanity to this deplorable situation will also be reviewed.
1.2 Statement of the problem
The influence of foreign films on the behaviour’s of youth’s is a serious problem. Nigeria is regarded a third world country and as such seen to be lacking behind in terms of social, economic, and technological innovations. Foreign films usually are presented to youth’s with alien values because of the inadequate policy to guard  youth’s towards foreign films there is an erosion of cultural values, the imitation of the foreign cultures especially the American and Philippians.( a make believe kind of love and life styles). Because of lack of proper timing adult films are viewed by youths thereby, youths are faced with brain washing by applying these behaviours thinking them to be right and normal in the society. Thus, the question here is, what is the influence of foreign films on the behaviour of students of Olobo Premier College, Choba.
1.3 Objectives of the study                       
The objectives of this study were:
To find out whether students of Olobo Premier College watch foreign films.
To find out the type of foreign films students of Olobo Primer College watch.
To find out how much time students of Olobo Premier College spend in watching foreign films.
To find out the type of influence foreign films have on the behaviour of students of Olobo Premier College, Choba.
1.4 Research questions
Do students of Olobo Premier College watch foreign films?
What type of foreign films do students of Olobo Premier College watch.
How much time do students of Olobo Premier College spend in watching foreign films?
What type of influence do foreign films have on behaviour of students of Olobo Primer College Choba?
1.5 Significance of the study
This research findings will benefit the youths and also enable parents, institutions government and policy makers to put adequate measure in place to check the influx of foreign films into Nigeria.
The conduct of this research will enable the government to know what role the media can play in the development of country and therefore harness the media especially TV in the development process in general. It will help remove the idea of imitating foreign cultures or ways of life from the media content. It will also help the Nigeria society in possible dilution, domination and finally absorption of the Nigeria culture which until the present has been characterized with good neighborliness, respect for elders, virtuousness, community orientation and collectivism. Also future researchers will find this material as a reference point which they can take a clue into the research related to this concept. 
1.6 Scope of the study
This study covered only students in SSI-III of Olobo Premier College, Choba.
1.7 Limitations of the study
There are many limitations ranging from not knowing where to start, not knowing who to consult or approach for materials, not knowing what next to write in various segments of this study and not knowing who to put me through in achieving my work and other stress from academic work activities. Also the duration of this research work is relatively short, materials that is available on this topic is relatively small as the concept is new or people are not written from this angle.
1.8 Operational definition of key terms
Behavior: Means a way one reacts to a particular event or issues affecting them.
Films: It refers to a series of moving pictures recorded with sound that tells a story shown on television or at the cinema.
Foreign: By foreign it means dealing with a country that is not ones own. For example in these my study, the films are foreign because its not made in Nigeria but imported from other country.
Influence: Refers to a strong effect something has on another
Patterns: An instructions showing how things are made. An excellent example to copy or a regular way in which something is done.
Youth: A state or period of being young. Youth start from age (18) till the age of (35) thirty five years old.

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