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1.0     Introduction
          This project (tribalism as a source of communication breakdown: A study of Abiriba community in Abia State)  being a highly controversial and at the same time an interesting one, captivated my urge to actually research and work on it because on daily basis, people and the society at large are being faced with problems unimaginable as a result of the consequences or effects of tribalism which leads to communication breakdown in the society. This work will be kick started by the background of study that will eventually culminate in the high point of this research.
1.1     Background to the Study
          According to Horsman and Marshall (1994) tribalism is describe as being part of a group based on similarities of culture, ethnicity religion or experience, it is also a state of being organized in or advocating for a tribe or tribes; in terms of conformity, tribalism may refer in popular cultural terms to a way of thinking or behaving in which people are more loyal to their tribe than their friends, their country or any other social group tribalism has been defined in engaged theory as a way of being based upon variable combinations of kinship based organizations, reciprocal exchange, manual production, oral communication and analogical enquiring tribalism also implies the possession of a strong cultural or ethnic, identity that separates one member of a group from the members of another group television is oriented around the valences of analogy, genealogy and mythology. This means that customary tribes have their social foundations in some variation of these tribal orientations, while at the same time often taking on traditional practices (including through religions of the book such as Christianity and Islam and modern practices including monetary exchange, mobile communications and modern education. The social structure of a tribe can vary greatly from case to case but due to the relatively small size of customary tribes, social life in those kinds of tribes usually involves a relatively undifferentiated role structure with few significant political or economic distinctions between individuals. Based on a strong relation of proximity and kinship, members of a tribe tend to possess a strong feeling of identity, objectively, for a customary tribal society to form their needs to be on going, customary organization enquiry and exchange. However, subjectivity, intense feelings of common identity can lead people to feel tribally connected.
          Communication on the other hand, is a two way process of reacting mutual understanding in which participants not only exchange information news, ideas and feelings but also create and share meaning. Communication is said to be a means of connecting people or place it is also the essence of human interaction and learning.
          According to Powell (2009), communication works for those who for it. This statement suggests that communication, inspite of being a natural activity, encompass a lot to be learnt. As human beings, we use communication to relate to others, socially connect, great, call attention, share of feelings, express opinions, share information etc. It is rightly said that it takes two years to learn how to speak but a life time to learn what to speak. From the linguistic part of view, communication breakdown is the study of pragmatics (that is) the study of language use in relation to language structure and context of use.
          Communication breakdown is simply a failure in information exchange. In Abiriba community, tribalism appears to play a major role as a source of communication breakdown.
1.2     Statement of the Problem
          Tribalism in Nigeria is likely due to the multi-ethnic structure of the nation; several cultures including that of the Abiriba community appears to be experiencing tribalistic attitudes and behaviour that seem to have led to communication breakdown.
          Communication breakdown appears to be a major issue in social relationships which has likely led to social disagreements upending the overall operations of the society.
          Tribalism is based on the fact that there are beliefs, values and conventions that guide certain cultures and when those values, beliefs are threatened by another culture the members have a tendency to repel or reject the foreign culture.
1.3     Objectives of the Study
          Going by everything that has been said so far, this research will aim at the following:
i.                   To find out if tribalism is a source of communication breakdown among residents of Abiriba community.
ii.                 To find out what extent tribalism is a source of communication breakdown among residents of Abiriba community.
iii.              To find out what areas tribalism manifests in a community resulting to communication breakdown.
1.4     Research Questions
          In order to come up with objective and substantial findings the following questions will be the basis of this research:
i.                   What extent in tribalism a source of communication breakdown among residents of Abiriba community?
ii.                 Is tribalism a source of communication breakdown among residents of Abiriba community?
iii.              What areas does tribalism manifest in a community resulting to communication breakdown?
1.5     Significance of the Study
          The multi-ethnic structure of Nigeria has placed much emphasis on tribes: the average Nigerian relatively appears to undertake social activities with a sense of cultural identity. Tribalism therefore could be described as an almost natural tendency of an individual or groups of individuals to interpret social activities in view of their indigenous tribes communication as a human activity is likely also subjected to human error; such error could result in the breakdown of communication.
          The researcher therefore anticipated that beneficiaries would include; students, communication professionals as well as culturally inclined associations.
1.6     Scope of the Study
          This research is delimited to investigating tribalism on a source of communication breakdown among residents of Abiriba community in Ohafia LGA of Abia State.
1.7     Limitations of the Study
          The researcher envisages that the data collected may be limited or restricted as a result of certain factors. Among such factors may include:
          Inadequate Finance: In attempting to reach members of the research sample in acquiring appropriate response. Another limitation anticipated is the level of literary among residents of Abiriba community who constitute the recipients of the questionnaire, lack of adequate materials that may serve as secondary sources of data.
          Finally, the time allotted to the research is considered insufficient.
1.8     Operational Definition of key terms
       i.            Culture: The beliefs, way of life, art and customs at are shared and accepted by people in a particular society.
     ii.            Tribe: This is a social group consisting of people of the same race who have same beliefs, customs, language etc and usually live in one particular area ruled by their leader.
  iii.            Tribalism is the behaviour and attitudes that stem from loyalty to one’s own tribe or social group.
  iv.            Communication: Is the means of connection between people or places in a particular.
     v.            Communication breakdown occurs when communication is incomprehensible to one party or entirely absent between two people.

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