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          This chapter summarizes all that has been done in the course of this research.
5.1     SUMMARY
          This study started with a pressing motive to determine if television viewing takes precedence over newspaper reading in the lives of the youths in Oji River Local Government Area of Enugu State. Over the years, it has been observed that youths spend greater part of their spare time viewing television, but it wasn’t so observable if part or any of their time was also allotted to newspaper reading.
          Following a very careful studied and review of various theories and works of diverse authors, the researcher then employed the survey design and questionnaire together with observation and did a random selection of respondents after which the responses gathered were then presented in tables using relevant frequencies and percentages.
          The researcher found out that the television viewing precedence over newspaper reading habits of youths in Oji River Local Government Area of Enugu State was mostly as a result of readily availability of television sets in almost every home. The study also found out that although some youths in the area of this research have access to newspaper, they seldom read it because no conscious effort has been made on the part of the parents and guardians to instill reading culture into them, hence the opt to television viewing.
          From the findings and data gathered from respondents, the researcher came to the right conclusion that truly, the youths of Oji River Local Government Area of Enugu State prefer television viewing as oppose to newspaper reading.

          Education is a continuous process. It can be acquired formally through attendance in schools, workshops, seminars, or other form of training. Travelling has been recognized as an important form of education. People can become educated by travelling to lands far away from them through leisure reading of newspapers, magazines and books and thereby learn about the culture and environment of other people. On the strength of the above, the habit of reading newspaper should begin at an early stage and should be imbibed throughout one’s lifetime. Parents, guardians and teachers should make this reminder a repeated one. I also recommend further research in this area while all hands must be on desk to ameliorate the time the youths in Oji River Local Government Area of Enugu State spend viewing television.

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