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5.1     Summary
          The aim of this study was assess the audience perception of the Corporate social responsibility of Shell BP in Yenagoa. The study was based on two theories, The Corporate Social Responsibility Theory and the ethical theory. The study adopted the field survey with questionnaire administered on the sample population drawn from the people of Yenagoa. The research employed the survey method with 400 copies of the questionnaire administered to the respondents out of which 340 copies were duly completed and returned for analysis. A summary of the findings of the study are as follows:
i.                   That the need for corporate social responsibility is for economic development, improve quality of life and development of local communities.
ii.                 That lack of corporate social responsibility leads to pollution in the host communities.
iii.              That if corporate social responsibility leads to pollution in the host communities.
iv.              That if corporate social responsibility is done effectively will enhance corporate image of any organization, increase their reputation in the competing market as well as act as correlation between public relations and publicity of any organization.
v.                 The findings show that the major functions of Shell Petroleum Company is to create jobs, award scholarships, build roads and schools for her host communities.
vi.              The findings further shows that for firms to survive in their host communities, they must respond to the needs of the people.
5.2     Conclusion
          The point has been made that opinion is divided on the effectiveness of the corporate social responsibility of Shell in the Niger Delta. While some school of thoughts believe that shell have no business engaging in corporate responsibility, other reason that for firms to survive in their host communities, they must respond to the needs of the people. In this project, we identify with the school that believes that Shell must be responsive to the needs of their host communities. It is in this context that this work has attempted to evaluate the social corporate responsibility function of the Shell petroleum development in the post amnesty era in Akenfa. Shell claim to have vibrant corporate policy. This they have demonstrated in the provision of economic empowerment (infrastructures). On the contrary, oil-bearing communities insist that whatever has accrued to them is, but a crumb from the master’s table. This is particularly so because of the quantum of oil that is mined from their land as well as the enormous revenue therein.
5.3     Recommendations
          Based on the findings from this study, the following recommendations are made:
i.                   Government should take a revolutionary step in repealing the land use act which has virtually emasculated the people in the oil baring enclave in the Niger Delta.
ii.                 Oil firms should adopt a people centered approach to the provision of social amenities. That is communities should be consulted on their immediate needs rather than engaging in white elephant projects.
iii.              Oil firms should allow their host communities to be stakeholders in the oil industry to help reduce their feelings of alienation.
iv.              Government should be firm in up-holding and ensuring that oil firms in the Niger Delta adequately adhere to environmental standards. 

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                                                                   Department of Linguistics
                                                                   and Communication Studies,
                                                                   Faculty of Humanities,
                                                                   University of Port Harcourt,
                                                                   Rivers State.

Dear Respondent,

I am a final year student of University of Port Harcourt carrying out a research on “AUDIENCE PERCEPTION OF THE CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY OF SHELL BP IN YENAGOA”. It is an academic requirement for the award of Bachelor of Arts (B.A) degree.

To this end, I have designed this questionnaire to enable you to provide answers to. I assure you that information supplied will be treated confidentially.

Kindly answer the questions on the attached sheets by choosing the alternative that suit you.

                                                                   Yours sincerely,


Please tick √ where appropriate in the boxes below:
Section A:            Biodata
1.          Sex:        Male           Female
2.          Age:       22-25   26-30            31-35         36 and above
3.          Educational qualification: Primary school            Secondary School              Tertiary in Institution
4.          Occupation: Civil Servants          Business               Students
5.           Marital Status: Married     Single          Divorce          Separated
6.          What is the need for corporate social responsibility in Yenagoa? Economic Development             Improve quality of life      Development of Local communities
7.          What is the result of the neglect of corporate social responsibility in Yenagoa? Waste management     Technological hazard     Pollution              Dangerous products
8.          Corporate Social Responsibility in act and deeds enhances? Corporate image             Reputations and Market share     Correlation between public relations and publicity
9.          What brought about corporate social responsibility in your Agitation for compensation            Community Unrest        Community marginalization
10.      What are the duties of shell to its host communities? Job creation      Award of Scholarship               Schools         Building roads
11.      How would you view the corporate social responsibility by shell in your community? Excellent          Good          Poor

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