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5.1     Summary
          This chapter embodies the summary of the findings of this which aimed at ascertaining the Port Harcourt resident’s perception of foreign programmes on African Independent Television AIT.
          The total findings of this enquiry indicates that a substantial percentage of the respondents hold AIT and its programs in high esteem. It was attributed to the data collected and presented that AIT’s indigenous programmes are preferable to foreign programs being that it is educative and informative.
          It is also arrived that Port Harcourt residents like watching AIT indigenous programs and that AIT has performed credibly well since inception in the discharge of its social responsibility function in the society.
5.2     Conclusion
          After taking a critical look at the findings of this study, it is logical and pertinent to conclude that audience perception of AIT foreign programs is negative rather, the audience prefer and perceive the indigenous programs positive.
          It can also be concluded that a good number of Port Harcourt residents like to watch AIT programs due to the rich contents and the quality of the programs.
5.3     Recommendations
          Having carried out an exhaustive study on audience perception of AIT foreign programs among residents of Port Harcourt, I (the researcher) deem it fit to make the following recommendation:
i.                   AIT should produce more indigenous programs since it audience prefer it to foreign programs as well as striving to secure credibility and maintain such.
ii.                 Television stations conduct audience research on their programs at regular interval to know what to produce of it audience.
iii.              Government should regulate the airwaves and monitor what goes to the audience, so as the stations to maintain social responsibility function.
iv.              Television stations should ensure clear transmission of its programs uninterrupted serialization of the programs as worldwide coverage of the signals.


                                                                   Department of Linguistics
                                                                   and Communication Studies,
                                                                   Faculty of Humanities,
                                                                   University of Port Harcourt,
                                                                   Rivers State.

Dear Respondent,

I am a final year student of University of Port Harcourt carrying out a research on “PORT HARCOURT RESIDENT’S PERCEPTION OF AFRICA INDEPENDENT TELEVISION (AIT) FOREIGN PROGRAMMES”. It is an academic requirement for the award of Bachelor of Arts (B.A) degree.

To this end, I have designed this questionnaire to enable you to provide answers to. I assure you that information supplied will be treated confidentially.

Kindly answer the questions on the attached sheets by choosing the alternative that suit you.

                                                                   Yours sincerely,


Instructions: Please tick the appropriate answer that best expresses your perception in the column
Section A
i.                   Sex: Male        Female
ii.                 Which age group do you belong to?
a.     20-30yrs      31-40 yrs      
b.     41-and above
3.     Marital status:
a.     Single
b.     Married
c.      Widowed
d.     Divorced
4.     Educational qualifications:
a.     FSLC
b.     SSCE
c.      B.Scs, B.Eng, E. A
d.     M. Sc
e.      Ph.D
f.       Professional qualification
g.     Others, specify ________________________
5.     Occupation:
a.     Student
b.     Civil servant
c.      Business
d.     Others, specify __________________________
Section B
6.     Do you watch/like progrmmes aired by AIT?
a.     Yes, very frequently
b.     No, not frequently
c.      Once in a while
d.     Not at all
7.     Do you prefer AIT indigenous programmes to foreign programme?
a.     Yes
b.     No
c.      Not at all
8.     Do you think AIT foreign programmes influence behavioural pattern of any kind in Port Harcourt?
a.     Yes
b.     No
c.      Can’t say

9.     How effective is AIT programmes in terms of news and information?
a.     Very effective
b.     Effective
c.      Not effective 
10.      Why do you watch AIT foreign programmes?
a.     For news and information
b.     For entertainment
c.      All of the above
11.      What AIT programmes do you prefer?
a.     Indigenous programmes
b.     Foreign programmes

12.      Do you agree that AIT has performed well in the discharge of its social responsibility function in the society?
a.     Agree
b.     Strongly agree
c.      Disagree
d.     Strongly disagree
13.      Has AIT advanced in their broadcasting and programming?
a.     Yes
b.     No

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