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The   thrust of this study is to compare the ideological rhetoric in MTN and Etisalat TV commercial. The main objectives of the study were to identify some salient ideological rhetoric depicted in MTN and Etisalat commercials, to find out the devices where these ideologies are embedded; to find out their differences in ideology and similarities as well. The research design used in this study was content analysis. The research instrument used was coding sheet and personal observation. The study revealed that some of the ideological rhetoric depicted in MTN and Etisalat TV commercials are; love, class, masculinity, femininity, mythos. It was also revealed that these ideological rhetoric are embedded in the language, music, acting style, set costume. They study also found out that there was no adequate representation of Nigerian situation in most f their ads. The study revealed that MTN promotes family love and unity while Etisalat promotes friendship. Both of them depicted class. Based on the founding, it was recommended, that MTN and Etisalat should incorporate ethnic languages, in their ads they should also adopt using Nigerian music in their adverts. It was also recommended that they should reflect more of indigneous  cultural ideologies.

TABLE OF CONTENTS                                                                         PAGES
Title page                                                                                          i
Abstract                                                                                            ii
Table of Contents                                                                             iii
List of abbreviations                                                                                   v


1.1     Background to the study                                                                   1
1.1.1  MTN                                                                                       3
1.1.2  Etisalat                                                                                    3
1.2     Statement of the problem                                                                  3
1.3     Aims and objectives of the study                                                      4
1.4     Research questions                                                                           4
1.5     Significance of the study                                                                   4
1.6     Scope of the study                                                                            4
1.7     Limitations                                                                                        5
1.8     Definition of terms                                                                            5


2.0     Introduction                                                                                      6
2.1     Theoretical framework                                                            6
2.1.1  Critical political economy theory                                                      7
2.2     Conceptual review                                                                            7
2.2.1  Advertising: A rhetorical practice                                                     7
2.2.1  Ideology                                                                                  11
2.2.2  Ideological value systems                                                                  12
2.2.3  Television rhetoric                                                                            13        TV commercial and values                                                                14        The code of television production                                                     15        Tools for TV production                                                                  17
2.3     Empirical review                                                                     22


3.0     Introduction                                                                                      25
3.1     Research design                                                                       25
3.2     The population of the study                                                             25
3.3     Sample size                                                                                       26
3.4     Sample technique                                                                              26
3.5     Unit of analysis                                                                       27
3.6     Content categories                                                                            27
3.7     Description on measuring instrument                                               29
3.8     Coding                                                                                     29
3.9     Method of data analysis                                                                    29


4.0     Introduction                                                                                      30
4.1     Presentation of data                                                                          30
4.2     Analysis of data                                                                      34


5.0     Introduction                                                                                      35
5.1     Summary                                                                                 35
5.2     Conclusion                                                                              36
5.3     Recommendations                                                                            36
          References                                                                               37
          Appendix                                                                                39 


1.1     The Background to the Study
 TV codes are combined to influence the audience in TV commercials.TV codes are languages used in the production of the TV commercials. They codes are categorized into reality, representational and ideological codes. Reality codes include: appearance, behavior, speech, sound and setting. Representational codes include: camera, lighting, sound, music and editing. Ideological codes include: the ideologies and values depicted in the TV commercials. Ideologies such as friendship, determination, good humour, class, and love are depicted in TV situation.
Ideology is relatively coherent system of values, beliefs or ideas shared by some social groups. They are set of values that can be depicted in a communication medium such as television. Ideology is another language system in movies such as commercials, often disguised language that usually speaks in codes. While mass media do not typically set out deliberately to propagate ideology, in practice most media content does so implicitly by selectively emphasizing certain values and norms.
Rhetoric in the other hand is the art of sending messages to persuade or otherwise influence an audience. Elements of rhetoric are used to persuade the audience.
A commercial is a television or radio advertisement. Berkowitz, Kerin, Hartley and Rudelius (2000) defined advertisement as “any paid form of non-personal communication about an organization, good, service, or idea by an identified sponsor” (p.495). Advertisement involves mass media such as TV, radio, and magazine, which are non-personal and do not have an immediate feedback loop as does personal selling. Advertisement is the best known and most widely discussed form of promotion, probably because of its pervasiveness. It is also a very important promotional tool, particularly for companies whose products and services are targeted at mass consumer markets like MTN and Etisalat.
The aim of advertising is to give information about an organization, product, service, or idea. Advertisement has become one of the most important commercial ventures in the modem competitive setting. Companies such as MTN and Etisalat spend a large part of their budget to produce and run TV commercials to communicate information about their company and product.
A comparative analysis of ideological rhetoric can be seen as examining the ideological variables MTN and Etisalat use in persuading their audience. Ideological rhetoric are those set of values, depicted in advertising situation to influence the audience. They are the set of values used for persuasion in movies such as commercials. To find out these ideologies, we have to answer the question what are the ideologies the TV commercials promote. Many meanings of TV commercials are ultimately ideological, that is, they spring from systems of culturally specific values and belief about a particular society.
Because television commercials frequently reflect ideologies, the work seeks to know the ideologies depicted in the commercials. What are their similarities and differences?
From the researcher’s observation, television programmes especially TV commercials in as much as they sell products, also teach and reinforce values in the society. This research is necessary to find, if the television still depict positive ideologies that are capable of transforming our society.

1.1.1  MTN
MTN communication LTD is one of 3 initial GSM companies licensed by the NCC to provide telecoms services to the Nigerian public. It commenced operations in August 2001 and have ever since been the biggest Telecoms companies and one of the largest in all of Nigeria.
MTN carry out several advertising campaign to communicate their products to their customers and to persuade them to behave favourably. MTN use both product and institutional types of advertising reach their customers. The researcher chose MTN because it runs more adverts than any other telecom service provider.
1.1.2 Etisalat
Etisalat acquired the Unified Access License from the Federal Government of Nigeria in January, 2007. It commenced commercial operations on 23rd October, 2008. It provides telecom services to Nigerians. Etisalat uses both product and institutional types of advertising.
1.2  Statement of the Problem
Ideologies are important to understanding television because they are important part of our belief system. MTN and Etisalat apart from persuading the audience to buy their products, also depict different ideologies. Having watched several MTN and Etisalat commercial, the researcher noticed that he cannot identify with the commercials some of the MTN and Etisalat commercials. The researcher also observed that he has nothing in common with the television commercials, because a man is persuaded, if you identify with his ways. The television commercials produce false consciousness.
The researcher tend to discover why the television commercials are not persuasive enough by comparing and contrasting ideological rhetoric in MTN and Etisalat television commercials and finding the devices where the ideologies are embedded.  
1.3 Objectives of the Study
The aim of the work is to identify ideological rhetoric in MTN and Etisalat commercials to compare and contrast their ideologies.
The specific objectives are to:
i.       To identify some salient ideological rhetoric depicted in MTN and Etisalat commercials.
ii.     To find out the devices where these ideologies are embedded.
iii.  To find out their ideological differences and similarities
1.4               Research Questions
i.       What are the salient ideological rhetoric depicted in the MTN and Etisalat TV commercials?
ii.     What are the devices where the ideologies are embedded?
iii.  What are their ideological differences and similarities?
1.5   Significance of the Study
The research will be of significance to the audience, because it will help them to identify ideological rhetoric and the devices where they are embedded. The work will help the advertisers in knowing the ideologies to be depicted in television station. Also, the advertising regulatory bodies and university communities will benefit from this work. It will also add to existing knowledge.
1.6 Scope of the Study
This study centers on the analysis of ideological rhetoric in MTN and Etisalat. Here, we shall be considering what ‘ideological rhetoric’ means; what TV commercials, values, and codes mean. This study will also help us in carefully looking at tools for commercial production and TV commercial execution. This research considered NTA Port Harcourt.
1.7     Limitations
Limitations are factors that impede generalization of findings on a population, which are inherent in the research methodology. Generalizability is largely determined by selection of a representative and sufficiently large sample. The limitation of this study hinges on the methodology. The design used was content analysis. One problem with content analysis is that the content does not necessarily serve as the sole basis for claims about media content. Again, the findings of a particular content analysis are limited to the framework of the categories and the definitions used in the analysis. Different researchers may use varying definitions and category systems to measure a single concept.
1.8   Definition of Terms
The definition of terms are operationalised, indicating that the meaning ascribed to the terms is predicated on the context and made functional within the context, to avoid ambiguity and equivocation, but neither deferring from the conventional meaning nor deviating radically, which is meant that as far as this study is concerned, that is how one has defined the concept, which may not be the same as the dictionary meaning.
i.          Analysis: A detailed examination or study of the something. Here detailed examination of ideologies, present in MTN and Etisalat is looked, focusing on their difference and similarities.
ii.        Commercial: A television or radio advertisement. These MTN and Etisalat spend a huge budget to run commercials. Commercials were analyzed to spot out their differences and similarities.
iii.     Ideology: Are set of values that is depicted in television situation. Ideologies such as love, class, mythos are depicted in MTN and Etisalat television commercials. The context of the work, the ideologies are analysed for differences and similarities.
iv.     Ideological rhetoric: A comparative analysis of ideological rhetoric can be seen as examining the ideological variables MTN and Etisalat use in persuading their audience. Ideological rhetoric are those set o values, depicted in advertising situation to influence the audience.  

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