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In this chapter, attention will be focused on the process or method used in carrying out this research work.
This includes sources and instrument for data collection, method analyzing data as well as the steps which the researcher used to ensure validity and reliability of the study of Port Harcourt residence perception on Nigerian Pidgin for broadcasting, (Wazobia FM as study)
Research Design
The design adopted here is the population survey method, through the use of questionnaires and interviews.
According to Ihejirika and Omego (2011), “survey research involves the study of a sample taken from population in order to know their major characteristics which can be generalized to the whole population (p.67). The survey design is useful in the measurement of public attitudes and opinions.
A cross section of the population to be surveyed will be examined through the use of fill-in questions which will be answered by the participants under observation.
Several individual will be personally interviewed and questioned on matters relating to the subject matter in question. The data realized from the answered questionnaires and interviews will be analyzed to arrive at conclusions.
Okoro (2001): “it is a process of gathering data from a target population through the questionnaire or interviews and subjecting such data to statistical analysis for the purpose of researching conclusions on the subject matter of the study and providing solutions to identified research problems”.

Research Population

This research is a case study of Wazobia FM radio station (Port Harcourt) metropolies and therefore the population to be surveyed will include the residents of different levels and cadres of the city of Port Harcourt. Special attention will be paid to the students of the University of Port Harcourt, the residents of Diobu Mile one area.

Sampling Population

It would practically be colossal (enormous) to study all the subjects of the research population chosen; therefore, a cross section of each sector will be studied. The sectors here include:
secondary school students
university school students
uneducated adult members of the society
unschooled youth.
Both male and female members of all ages each of the above sectors will be studied. The subjects will be selected randomly from various locations, as one hundred (100) questionnaires will be dispatched.

Research Instrument

The tools to be used in this particular research are the questionnaire and verbal interviews as tools to elicit information and to analyze the reactions of her same population of Port Harcourt metropolis towards the questionnaires and oral interview.
The questionnaire comprises of thirteen (13) questions an all, the first five questions requires their personal data, such as age, marital status, and gender etc. however, the questions were either on closed-ended or open- ended category. In the closed- ended questions, set of answers were provided for the respondent to choose the one(s) closely related in their views. While in the opened- ended category, the respondents were given freedom to provide relevant answers in their own words.


In a research of this nature, it is appropriate to interview enlightened individuals who will be able to speak intelligibly on matters concerning the use of Nigerian Pidgin.
The more educated groups will be interviewed and these include:
university students
university staff (academic)
civil servants outside the university community.
The interviewees will be questioned to find out their opinions about NP- whether or not NP use should be encourage in the society and what they think about NP radio broadcasting station, (Wazobia FM)
They will be required to explain their reasons for taking whatever stand they choose and to speak out on other facts they know concerning NP generally.

3.5Method of Data Collection

The questionnaire was given out randomly to respondents of the selected population that is being studied. This method proved very helpful in getting the information necessary for this work. However, it posed some difficulty with retrieving the answered questionnaires.

Method of Data Analysis

The research used a tabular format as the method in which data was analyzed the critically the varying data in each questionnaire across the various as highlighted in 3.3 above. The quantitative method of data analysis will be in use, with the help of statistical information and percentage derived from the answers to the questionnaires and oral interviews, the data was analyzed on and conclusions arrived at.


Department of Linguistics and communication studies,
Faculty of Humanities,
University of Port Harcourt,
Rivers State.
March 16, 2015.
Dear respondent,
I am a final year student of University of Port Harcourt carrying out a research on “ASSESSMENT OF THE USE OF NIGERIAN PIDGIN ON WAZOBIA FM”. It is academic requirement for the award of Bachelor of Arts (B.A) degree.
To this end, I have designed this questionnaire to enable you to provide answers to. I assure you that information supplied will be treated confidentially.
Kindly answer the questions on the attached sheets by choosing the alternative that suits you.

Yours sincerely,

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