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This chapter deals with the method that was used in carrying out this study. It was segmented into the following subchapters: research design, research population, sample size, sampling procedure, research instrument, validation of instrument, method of data collection, method of data analysis.

3.1Research Design

This study used the survey design. According to Ihejirika and Omego (2011). “Survey involves the study of a sample taken from a population inorder to know their major characteristics which can be generalized to the whole population” (p.73).  according to Okoro (2001) survey research is a vital method for collecting data for the purpose of describing a population too large to be observed directly. The survey design is useful in the measurement of public attitudes and opinion. It is appropriate when data is to be gathered from a group of respondents whose characteristics may be taken as being representatives of those of the larger population.

3.2Research Population

The population of this work was residents of Kalabari Kingdom especially civil servant, business people, politicians student who are 18 years and above. This according to 2006 national population commission, the population of Kalabari King is estimated of 350,000.

3.3Sample Size

A sample size of 400 respondents were drawn from the total population of Kalabari Kingdom estimated at 350,000. To arrive at this a pilot survey was conducted were ten (10) communities out of the 17 were selected for the study.

3.4Sampling Procedure

The sampling procedure used in this research was the stratified random sampling procedure. The stratified random sampling procedure involves categorizing the members of the population into groups. The stratification was done based on the communities of Kalabari. There are 17 communities in Kalabari Kingdom but 10 were selected and allocated 40 copies of were selected and allocated 40 copies of questionnaire each.

3.5Research Instrument

The questionnaire was the instrument used for the study. The questionnaire was divided into section A and B. Section A was designed to elicit demographic variable from the respondents while section B consisted of questions that was designed to addressed research questions.

3.6Validation of Research Instrument

The instrument used for the research work was the questionnaire. Before the copies of the questionnaire were distributed a copy of it was given to the study supervisor for vetting for input.

3.7Method of Data Collection

Data were collected through the questionnaire which was the instrument used for data collection. Copies of the questionnaire were personally administered to the respondents. 360 copies of the questionnaire were retrieved and all were valid for data analysis.

3.8Method of Data Analysis

Data elicited from respondents were presented and analyzed using simple tables and percentages or frequency.
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