Header Ads


Section A
Instruction: There are boxes provides against the answer under each item just tick √   in the appropriate box.
1.       Age bracket
          (a)     16-20          (b)   21-25           (c)  26-30             (d)  31-35
          (e)      36-40          (f)   41-45             (g)     45-50
2.       Sex distribution
          (a)     Female                  (b)     Male
3.       Educational level
          (a)     No formal education               (b) GCE              (c) NCE/OND
          (d)     Undergraduate                (e) First degree

4.       Occupation
          (a)     Civil servant                   (b) Teacher            (c)   Business/trader

Section B
5.       Do you have a radio set?         (a)     Yes             (b)     No
6.       How often do you listen to radio programmes?
          (a)     Regular         (b) At all              (c)  Sometimes
7.       What are the programmes you often listen to?
          (a) News            (b) Music            Sports Analysis            Entertainment Information
8.       Do radio have any positive impact in your life?
             (a)  Yes             (b)     No
9.       Do you believe the information you get from radio?
           (a)    Yes             (b)     No
10.     How much has radio contributed to the development of the community?
          (a)     Negatively                   (b)        Positively
11.     Do the information you get from radio educative?
                     (a)    Yes             (b)     No
12.     Do you think that the radio programmes can bring about development in your           community?                    (a)    Yes             (b)     No
13.     Are there some program that are targeted at the rural people on radio?               (a)          Yes             (b)     No
14.     If yes, specify:-------------------------------------------------------------------------

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