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5.0     Introduction
This section gives the summary and conclusion of the study, with appropriate recommendations made, which will assist the telecommunication companies
5.1     Summary
The work sought to analyze the ideological rhetoric in MTN and Etisalat commercials. The following objectives were….
On the delimitation/scope of the study, it is imperative to state that the study focused on the ideological rhetoric in MTN and Etisalat commercials. The study seeks to find ideological rhetorics depicted in the MTN and Etisalat television commercial; the devices where these ideologies are embedded.
The limitation of the study hinged on the methodology. The findings of a particular content analysis are limited to the framework of the categories and the definitions used in the analysis. One problem with content analysis is that the content does not necessarily serve as the sole basis for claims about media content. The research design used in this study is content analysis.
The target population for the study consisted of forty-eight commercial, for MTN and Easy cliq; Etisalat Genevieve; Etisalat Double Awoof; Etisalat Double Data; Etisalat Cliqlite for Estisalat.
A sample size of ten MTN and Etisalat commercials were selected for the study, five each from the telecommunication companies and they are: Sunshine, port, space, dance with me, better Purposive sampling technique or judgmental sampling which is a form of non-probability sampling was used for this study.
It is pertinent to comment on the method of data analysis. The information got from the analysis was presented, using qualitative analysis. It was found that MTN and Etisalat do not represent real Nigerian situation, it was also revealed that the devices where the ideologies are embedded are; language, acting styles, set, costume, sound etc. it was also discovered that dominant cultures are mainly depicted in these Tv commercials. 
5.2     Conclusion
This study has shown that Nigerian situation is not really depicted in MTN and Etisalat TV commercials. Other variabless considered are the devices where these ideologies are embedded the study shows these ideologies are embedded in language, sound, acting style and set, costume and music.
5.3     Recommendations
Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made:
i.       Audience is easily persuaded when they share common substance with the advertisers. Based on this fact, I recommend that every MTN or Etisalat advert should depict Nigerian situation.
ii.     MTN and Etisalat should incorporate indigenous languages outside the 3 major languages in Nigeria in their TV Commercials
iii.  MTN and Etisalat should incorporate indigenous music in their TV Commercial
iv.  MTN and Etisalat should incorporate more ideal ways of behaving based on the values and belief system of the Nigerian society.
v.     They should also try to discourage vices in their MTN and Etisalat television commercials.
vi.  They should also shoot their adverts in locations or set familiar to Nigerians.

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Unit of analysis
Cultural object
Tender care
Harsh tough








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