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5.1     Discussion of findings
          In the course of carrying out this study, the researcher made the following findings;
i.                   Radio ownership does not have any impact on the content. Results revealed that over 39% of the respondents feel that irrespective of who owns the radio stations does not influence the radio programmes.
ii.                 47% of the respondents saw no relationship between ownership and programme content. The owners (government or private) of radio stations do not determine the content of programmes of their stations.
iii.              Result revealed that owners of radio stations structure there programmes mainly around the choice of programmes aired and its news bulletin is clearly shown by the responses of 47% of the respondents.
iv.              Respondents agree that programmes in radio owned stations differ from that or private owners mainly in the area of adverts (for private owners) due to profit being their reason for establishment.
5.2     Summary
          This study was necessitated by the increasing number of radio stations in Nigeria. The purpose of this study was to examine if the ownership (whether government or private) has an impact on its programme content.
          The agenda setting theory, uses and gratification theory and social category approach theory were used as theoretical framework to guide this study. The research methodology was the survey design and sampling technique was the simple random sampling technique which resulted in a sample size of two-hundred (200). Data was collected using the questionnaire. Date gathered was presented in a table and analyzed through descriptive statistics.
5.3     Conclusion
          The research has shown that the ownership structure whether government or private does not have any impact on the radio programmes. The owners also have no direct bearing on the content or type of the radio programmes. Both government and private owned radio station programmes share a lot of similarities in the areas of news bulletins and on air personalities.
5.4     Recommendations
In view of the findings; the following has been recommended:   
i.                   Both government and private owned radio stations should employ better technological equipments which will in turn lead to an improvement on programmes content.
ii.                 Radio programme content should revolve around the needs of radio listeners to cover all demographic distribution of the audience.
          In view of the result of this study and some of its limitations which include time and insufficient funds, it is suggested that more research on impact of ownership structure on programme content be carried out to cover a wider and more inclusive population.

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                                                                   Department of Linguistics
                                                                   and Communication Studies,
                                                                   Faculty of Humanities,
                                                                   University of Port Harcourt,
                                                                   Rivers State.

Dear Respondent,

I am a final year student of University of Port Harcourt carrying out a research on “IMPACT OF OWNERSHIP STRUCTURE ON RADIO: A STUDY OF RADIO RIVERS 99.1FM”. It is an academic requirement for the award of Bachelor of Arts (B.A) degree.

To this end, I have designed this questionnaire to enable you to provide answers to the questions. I assure you that information supplied will be treated confidentially.

Kindly answer the questions on the attached sheets by choosing the alternative that suit you.

                                                                   Yours sincerely,


Please tick (√) where appropriate in the boxes below:
1.     Sex: Male             Female
2.     Age: 20-25  26-30 31-36 36-above
3.     Marital status: Married Single
Section B
4.     Do you have access to radio?
a.     Yes
b.     No
5.     How often do you listen to Radio Rivers FM?
a.     Regularly
b.     Rarely
c.      Never
6.     What programmes do you listen to on Radio Rivers?
a.     News
b.     Sports
c.      Entertainments
d.     Discussion 

7.     Do you participate in any of the programme?
a.     Yes
b.     No
8.     Does the fact that Radio Rivers FM is owned by the government affect the programme content?
a.     Yes
b.     No
c.      Sometimes
9.     How does the ownership structure affect the programmes content?
a.     The choice of programmes being aired
b.     Its news bulletin
c.      Its on air personalities
10.      Do you feel that programme content of private owned radio stations is different from government radio station?
a.     Yes
b.     No
11.      What is the extent of the impact of ownership on radio programmes content?
a.     Yes
b.     Excellent
c.      Poor

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