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5.1 Summary
          This is a research study on the topic “News commercialization and performance of broadcast organizations”: A study of Radio Rivers 99.1 and Treasure 98.5FM). Related literatures were reviewed with emphasis on informational role of the broadcast organization, the concept of commercialization and News commercialization in Nigeria, Evolution of radio commercials and broadcasting history of Radio Rivers 99.1 and Treasure 98.5FM.
          The population of the audience in Radio Rivers 99.1 and Treasure 98.5FM is estimated to be 19,000 and 13,000 respectively according to the research carried out by the researcher. 
          The sample size is 395 and all of the 395 questionnaires which were given out only 350 were received from the respondents and were used as a measuring instrument.
The researcher has discovered that about 98.6% of Nigerians are often exposed to the broadcast media and of which majority of respondents are males and of the age of 30 years and above.
          The data collected through the questionnaire were presented in tables 1 – 16 and analyzed.
5.2 Conclusion
          In accordance with the test conducted in chapter four, the following conclusions were reached.
          In as much as everybody wants truth, fairness and balance in information dissemination, the news items have become commercial product in many media organization and important developments in the countryside are pushed aside by unimportant, even trivial news items, concerning urban events and the activities of personalities. News is no longer about reporting timely occurrences or events, it is now about packaged broadcast or report sponsored or paid for by interested parties. By these practical individuals, communities, private and public organizations, local governments, state government and ministries gain access to the mass media during news time for a prescribed fee. The message they wish to put across is then couched in the formal features of news and passed on to the unsuspecting public as such.
Regardless of all these, the effort made by the broadcast media in serving as a watchdog and discussing and airing materials to challenge the leadership of the nation cannot be discredited.
 5.3 Recommendations
          Based on the conclusion drawn above, the researcher hereby recommends the following;
·        Since it has been identified that source credibility, truth, fairness and balance is essential in information dissemination, as it affects the audience believe, so the broadcast media should be given equal rights to broadcast what they see and how it was seen without limit and threats.
·        No matter the challenges and constraints within the broadcast media, members of the society should be given the right to spaces free of commercials in the media where they can contribute and exchange ideals on equal footing and where those with money do not necessarily speak with the loudest voice.
·        Government should reduce to the barest minimum its control of broadcast media operations in Nigeria. Pernicious laws and regulations which impede freedom of information or provide severe measures against broadcast media while performing their legitimate duties.
·        Since this is dealing with news commercialization and performance of the broadcast media, further studies on this topic should not be restricted and the number of media to be sampled should be increased to generalised the true picture of broadcast media activities in Nigeria.

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Please √ where appropriate in the boxes below


Male                                     Female

Under 20 years 26 – 35                                             

20-29 years

30 years and above
Marital Status:



Married                            Single                                    Divorced


Widow                               Widower




Civil servant
Other (please indicate):____________________________________
Residential Area):__________________________________________

Instructions: please read the following statements and rate them by ticking (√) the column that best corresponds with your response.


Q1. Do you listen to Radio?      Yes                            No
     If yes, which radio station favourite?



      Radio Rivers                      Treasure Fm                        None

Q2. Why do you listen to these radio stations?



     Other (Please indicate):__________________________________________

Q3. Do you agree that news commercialization has improved the socio-economic life of the society?




Yes                                      No                                 Uncertain

Q4. Can you say news commercialization has provided multiple news sources with reliable and objective news to its audience?



         Yes                                      No                            Uncertain
If yes, how?

Availability of many and affordable public and private news sources.


By reflecting a wide range of social interest including minority language information sources
C.   All of the above.

Q5. Would you stop relying on the broadcast media in Nigeria for regular
       information if the standard of truth, objectivity, fairness and balance are
       completely lost?


         Yes                                      No                                

Q6. Have you seen or heard an advert or commercial packaged and presented
      during the News as News itself?



         Yes                                      No                                 Uncertain

Q7. Can your money give you access into the Nigerian broadcast media to project
       any information as news?



         Yes                                      No                                 Uncertain

Q8. Can paying for a particular news story distort facts, or even affect the way
       It would be presented?



         Yes                                      No                                 Uncertain

Q9. Do you consider the broadcast media in Nigeria as “The watchdog of the



         Yes                                      No                                 Uncertain

Q10. Do the broadcast media in Nigeria discuss and air enough materials that
         challenge the leadership?



         Yes                                      No                                 Uncertain

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