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Summary, Conclusion And Recommendations On Factors Affecting the Utilization of Guidance and Counseling Services in Secondary Schools.

          This chapter deals with the general discussion, conclusion, recommendations, limitation and suggestions on factors affecting the utilization of guidance and counseling services in secondary schools.
5.1     Discussion of Findings
Research Question One         
          To what extent does students attitude affects utilization of guidance and counseling services in secondary schools?
          Table 4.1 reveals that the findings on extent students attitude affects utilization of guidance and counseling services. The findings indicated that 64% of the respondents agreed that students attitude affects utilization of guidance and counseling services. The result of the study is not far from the facts that to a large and resemble extent, most students in secondary school have to come to terms with the importance of guidance and counseling.
          However, some student on item 3 feels that there is no need going for counseling, hence they believed that they don’t have any problem. This finding is supported by Downing (1988) that students are ignorant of the usefulness of guidance and counseling services. Some student on item 4 does not even know what counseling is all about. According to Hopes and Hayes (1992), if a student has an adequate information about guidance and counseling, his occupational and educational horizons will be more broadened for him to make a suitable choice. Thus we conclude that students attitude affects guidance and counseling services.
Research Question Two
          To what extent does principals attitude affects utilization of guidance and counseling services?
          Table 4.2 also reveals the extent attitude or principals affects utilization of guidance and counseling services. The finding shows that 58% of the total respondents agreed that principal’s attitude affects utilization of guidance and counseling services. The finding shows that principals’ attitude affects utilization of guidance and counseling service while 42 disagreed. This therefore shows that attitude of principals’ affects utilization of guidance and counseling services. In support of the findings McClary (1998), states that some principals refuse to refer students for counseling. The finding on item 5 reveals that some principal does not need the services of a counselor in their school. Thus we conclude that principals’ attitude affects utilization of guidance and counseling services.
Research Question Three
          To what extent does counselors gender influences the utilization of guidance and counseling services.
          Table 4.3 reveals that counselors gender affects utilization of guidance and counseling services, 68% respondents agreed while 32% disagreed that counselors’ gender affects counseling. Dorn F. (1993) states that some culture respect male than female, he went further to say that in such cultural background, gender influences counseling. Berman (1979), observed that female counselors are more patience and productive than male counselors.
          Thus we conclude that counselors’ gender affects utilization of guidance and counseling services.
Research Question Four
          To what extent does provision of facilities affects the utilization of guidance and counseling services?
Table 4.4    analyses the research question on the extent provision of facilities affects utilization of guidance and counseling service in secondary school. The finding reveals that 85% of the total respondents agreed that provision of facilities affects counseling service while 15% disagreed. We however conclude the provision of facilities affects utilization of guidance and counseling services. This is in line with Sanders (2000), lack of facilities amongst other things are one of the major factors affecting utilization of guidance counseling service.
Research Question Five
          To what extent does counselors, condition of service affects counseling?
Table 4.5    analyzes counselors’ condition of service to effective counseling. The finding reveals that 65% of the total respondents agree that counselors’ condition of service affects utilization of guidance and counseling service while 35% disagreed. In support of the finding, Okoblah (2004) observed that organizing a counseling unit in an institution, whether in the primary school, secondary school, or tertiary institution involves lying of a solid foundation based on certain specifics and relevant principles. Ogbebor (2004), states that some counselors perform the duty of a classroom teacher, thereby making the guidance counseling program ineffective. We conclude that counselors’ condition of service affects utilization of guidance and counseling.
5.2     Conclusion
          The findings of this study indicate that students attitude, principals attitude, counselors gender, provision of facilities and counselors condition of service are factors affecting utilization of guidance and counseling service in secondary school. All these factors contributed immensely to wrong career and vocational choice made by student and young school leavers.
5.3     Recommendations
          In view of the findings of this study, the following recommendations are made by the research:
1.     Students should develop a positive view of guidance and counseling service.
2.     Principals should always encourage students for counseling
3.     Counselors should enlighten students on gender role, to prevent students from having negative thought.
4.     Government should provide conducive facilities for counseling
5.     Counselors should always be in counseling office rather than working as a class room teacher.
5.4     Limitation of the Study
          There were certain limitation which included restriction on interpretation of finding due to the nature of the characteristics of the population, the variable being measured and extraneous variables that are completely controlled. Consequently, my limitations were as follows:
i.                   Poor responses and initial resistance of students who are respondent for this study.
ii.                 Possible faking of responses from respondents who were used for the study.
iii.              Inadequate wide coverage area of the study as the study was limited to Osisioma Ngwa LGA of Abia State.
iv.              Three restricted variables for the study to which are condition of service, attitude of student and gender.
5.5     Suggestion for Further Study
          The researcher wish to make the following suggestion for further study:
1.     Future researcher should ensure that they carry out proper research in other related issue of factors affecting utilization of guidance and counseling service.
2.     Future research study in this area should be conducted in other region of the country for comparative study.

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                                                Department of Curriculum Studies
                                                and Educational Technology,
                                                Faculty of Education,
                                                University of Port Harcourt,
                                                Rivers State.

Dear Respondents,

I am a final year student of the above named institution. I am conducting a research on “Factors Affecting the Utilization of Guidance and Counselling Services in Secondary Schools”. I therefore seek for your assistance and cooperation.

The purpose of this research is purely academic questionnaire. Any information supplied will be treated as confidential and used for the purpose earlier stated. Your involvement will be of immense value to this study. 

                                                                             Yours sincerely,



Instruction:          Please tick (√) wee appropriate in the space provided below:
Respondent Bio-Data
Sex:   Male Female
Type of School: Government School                   Private School

I am not interested in counseling

I don’t like going for counseling because our counselor does not have an office

We don’t really have a professional counselor in our school

I don’t think I really need the services of a counselor.

I don’t go for counseling because I don’t want invasion into my privacy

I don’t have problem so I don’t need any counseling

I don’t even know what counseling is all about 

I don’t go for counseling because our counselor does not have time for us he also teaches

I don’t go for counseling because female students seduce male counselors.


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