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5.0 Summary
          This study was conducted in order to seek evidence of “true or false” on the Appraisal and public relations strategies used in the maintenance of Orlean Invest’s West Africa’s corporate image. Several literatures that are relevant to the subject matter were reviewed. The survey method was adopted in carrying out the investigation further gathered that most members of the communities were not informed of the activities of the company as a result of the communication gap created. This would be avoided if more and effective media channels are used in the communication of Orlean Invest’s community development programs to its host communities. It was discovered that there is a sub- department of  the public relations department that is directly responsible for host community relationship with the company, which is the Community Relations department. However, it was gathered that programs aimed at better interactions between the company in respect to its corporate image between the company and communities, informing the host communities of the activities and projects to be executed by the company (memorandum of understanding) is being established.
5.1 Conclusion
          This study was carried out to examine the public relations strategies, programs, or activities of Orlean Invest West Africa in regard to its corporate image. It is therefore not far from the realization that in modern business approach there is need for good public image before an organization succeeds. The management of Orlean Invest is poised with the responsibility of improving their corporate image. The Public relations department is a very viable arm in any organization; this is so because the survival of any organization to some extent, depends on the positive relationship with host communities. The management of the company and the host communities are fairly in close contact through the efforts of the public relations department, and the organization as a full fledged department has accounted for the continued success of the company. The company has benefited immensely from the establishment of the department. On the other hand, the department has mirrored the company as a prudent organization before its host communities.
          The study has revealed that there must be a sincere relations programme that can motivate the people to identify the company as a good friend. To this extent, it is clear that the public relations department is to maintain mutual understanding between the organization and its publics.
5.2 Recommendations
          This research project has evaluated the appraisal of Orlean Invest West Africa through its public relations department in regard to its social responsibility, therefore coming up with a concrete idea of the company’s image. Based on this, recommendation has been made on the company, government and host communities.
i.     Orlean Invest should on its part strive for qualities that make it distinct from other companies.
ii.  The company should in dealing with the host communities always observe the golden rule of human relations of doing unto others as you will have them do unto you. Orlean Invest should provide the host communities a good hand of friendship if it must be accepted.
iii.The importance of communication in any relationship can not be underestimated. Distrust and corruption crop up from communication gap.
iv. It is pertinent to recommend that the company should ensure that every financial assistance made to the communities is done publicly so that few will not embezzle funds provided.
v.   More so, community compensation should not be made to few elites but to the entire community. Finally the demands of the communities are many, some are demanding for social amenities, compensation and royalties, but host communities should know where Orlean Invest’s responsibilities ends and where that of government begins.

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