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3.1 Research Design
          The survey research design was used for the purpose of this research. According to Ihejirika and Omego (2011) survey involves the study of a sample taken from a population in order to know their major characteristics which can be generalized to the whole population”. (p. 67). Survey research attempts to measure the practices and preferences of a specific public by tabulating response to a standardized series of questions. The reason for adopting this method is because of its ability to provide the necessary information that would serve as the foundation for rational decisions.
3.2   Population of the Study
          The population of this study were staff of Shell Petroleum Company in Akenfa who were 22 years and above. The population of this study according to INEC 2011 voters report is one thousand eight hundred and fifty-eight (1,858) people hence, the population of the study.
3.3   Sample and Sampling Procedure
          The sample size for this study was derived through the Taro Yamene’s formula which states that:
Where         n = sample size sought
                   N = population size
                   E = level of significance (0.05)
n        =            1,858
                   1+ 1,858 (0.05-
n        =          1,858
               1+ 1,858 (0.0025)
n        =       1,858
                   1 + 4.645
n        =       1,858
n        =       399
Therefore, the sample size of this study was 400.
          To arrive at this number the company was divided into 40 groups and from each group 10 respondents were selected to make up the 400 sample used for the study.

3.4 Research Instrument
          The questionnaire was used as the research instrument for this work. This is because it is more convenient and most suitable for the purpose of a survey research and enables easy collection and analysis of available data.
3.5 Method of Data Collection
          Four hundred (400) copies of the questionnaire were personally administered to the respondents. The questionnaire was evenly administered to the 40 groups in the company. These groups were selected for ease of accessibility
3.6 Method of Data Analysis
          The research questions were used as a guide in the presentation and analysis of the data. Data gathered were presented in simple tables of frequency distributions and percentages. The formula that was used for the analysis in percentage is given below:
%=x/yx 100/1
X = observed response
Y = total response
% = percentage

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