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3.0 Introduction
This chapter explains the different methods that will be used in obtaining and analyzing observations and data in order to yield necessary information for this research work.

3.1 Research Design
Public relations is the independent variable on which the management of Orlean Invest’s corporate image depends on for expression. This study will adopt the descriptive survey design. Wimmer and Dominick (2011) say a descriptive survey attempts to describe or document current conditions or attitudes, that is, to explain what exists at the moment. Thus, the major instrument for data collection will be interview schedule. This will be complemented with questionnaire. Interviews will be directed to the public relations manager, while questionnaire copies will be distributed to residents of Onne and Amadi-Ama communities which are the major host communities of Orlean Invest’s to investigate its corporate relations practices.

3.2 Population of the Study
Gravetter and Forzano (2009) see population as the entire set of individuals of interest to a researcher. Although the entire population usually does not participate in a research study, the results from the study are generalized to the entire population. This is in line with Wimmer and Dominick (2011). The population for personal interview will be directed at the public relations manager of the company, while the population for the questionnaire will be administered on the residents of Onne / Amadi-Ama Port Harcourt Metropolis (Individually administered questionnaire) with a population of 22,827 according to 2006 census figure.

3.3 Sample Size and Sampling Procedures
The sample size for the study will be drawn from the population of residents of Onne and Amadi-Ama Port Harcourt metropolis based on 2006 census figure of National Population Commission (NPC) which is 22,827. Having selected the sample size, the random sampling design will be used in selecting respondents. The random design will start from clustering Port Harcourt Metropolis into two zones namely: Amadi-Ama Port Harcourt Township and Onne (Amadi –Ama and Onne communities), after which a sampling frame will be drawn from the sampled zones. A community believed to be aware of the company’s operation will be purposively sampled. The members of respondents from each of the selected communities will be chosen, using the purposive sampling technique.
Accordingly, the questionnaire will be administered on each respondent chosen from the purposively sampled community. The public relations manager of the company will be interviewed who is directly involved in the public relations matters of the company.
3.4 Sample Size
This is the actual number of people used for a research, this research is based on statistical formulas in order to aid in sampling size determination. Going by statistical formulas, the Taro Yamane’s formula was employed:
The formula states that
Where n = Sample size
N = Research population
e = Confidence

n =      N

n =     22827

n =     22827

n =   22827

n =      399.9
Therefore the sample size for the study is 400.

3.5 Description of Research Instrument
The instruments for data collection will be interview schedule and the questionnaire. Interview schedule will be directed at the company’s public relations manager. The questionnaire will be directed to the residents of Port Harcourt metropolis to investigate corporate image of Orlean Invest West Africa.

3.6 Method of Data Collection

Data will be collected through personal administration of the interview and questionnaire on the public relations manager, staff of the public relations department, and the residents of Port Harcourt metropolis where the company is currently operating. It is expected that the data collection will last between two to three weeks.

3.7 Method of Data Analysis

The data collected from personal interview will be analyzed qualitatively using explanation building suggested by Yin (1984). The explanation will be based on the research questions. The data collected from the questionnaire will be presented in simple percentages and frequency tables. Pearson Product Moment Correlation of Coefficient (PPMCC) will be used to test the hypotheses.

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