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Research methodology
3.0     Introduction
          This chapter explain vital elements of research methods. It deals with the methodology of the study, showing the various steps and procedure followed in collecting data for the study. It also presents the instrument used for data collection as well as methods used for data analysis.
3.1     Research Design
          Research design is the structuring of investigation aimed at identifying variables and their relationship to another (Asika 2002:23). The method adopted for this study is the survey research method due to the fact that the study involves fieldwork. The choice of the survey method by the researcher is motivated by the fact that the research involved fieldwork, hence question demanding information are presented through the questionnaire method.
          Osuala (1982:18), survey method focuses on people vital facts of the people and their beliefs, opinion, attitudes perceptions, behaviour and motivation. The survey method is adopted to elicit the appropriate responses relevant to the research question raised in this study.
3.2     Area of Study
          This research is carried out in Port Harcourt city of Rivers State. The selection of Port Harcourt for the study is because the researcher apart from being familiar with the area knows that most of Port Harcourt watch AIT foreign programmes. It is therefore believed that the residents will certainly respond accurately to the researcher’s questions.
          The respondents are the resident of Port Harcourt, there respondents will be determined through probability sampling techniques. The sampling techniques will attempt to cover the entire area, such that one part does not get prominence and the other neglected.
          The various parts of Port Harcourt covered are: Choba, Rumuola, Rumuokwuta, GRA, Rumukwurushi, Aluu, Eliozu, and Elekahia.
3.3     Population of the Study
          This refers to the target of the study. It involves a group of people or aggregate items the researcher is interested in getting information from the study.
          The estimated population of the study is 200. Those adopted or used for the study are to be aware of AIT station.
3.4     Sample size/Sampling Procedure
          The sampling techniques adopted for this study is the purposive sampling technique. Out of the 200 respondents, estimated 133 are selected for the study.
          Uwakwe (2006), only specific elements which satisfy pre-determined criteria and objectives are selected. This high degree of selectivity involved is meant to guarantee that all relevant data are represented in the sample. Therefore, the selected sample is 133.
3.5     Instrument for Data Collection
          The data source used in this study includes primary and secondary. The primary source includes a set of questionnaire. The questionnaire is made up of both open and closed ended questions. It is divided into two parts, part A aimed at collecting respondents’ personal data, while part B is formed in such a way as to give the respondents enough opportunity to express themselves in order to elicit the necessary information from them and also to tally with the issues raised in the research questions.
          According to Sobowale (1983): questionnaire are useful because they help to:
i.                   Standardize researcher’s questions
ii.                 Ensure same questions are asked in the same way
iii.              Guarantees uniformity of answers from respondents
iv.              Facilitate data processing through easy coding
          The secondary data for this study include books, journals and newspapers. These sources give valuable insight into various issues raised in the study.
          A total number of 200 questionnaire will be administered to 200 respondent of the sample population; the questionnaire will be administered by the researcher in Port Harcourt city of Rivers State.

3.6     Reliability and Validity of the Instrument
          For a valid result and conclusion of this work a set of questionnaire will be submitted to the study/project supervisor for correction, addition and subtractions.
3.7     Method of  Data Collection
          The major sources of data for this study are used for the purpose of drawing reasonable conclusion or analysis of the study so as to come up with fairly objectives findings.
          All primary data for this study are obtained from the questionnaire and oral interview. The questionnaire are designed for the residents of Port Harcourt city. in a face-to-face interview will be conducted mainly to supplement the derived from the questionnaire. Aim of this is to reduce the rigidity associated with designed questionnaire as well as giving the respondent the opportunity of supplying those information they may not have given in the structured questions, as a matter of personal touch. Secondary data for this study are sought and collected from other published and unpublished materials from the internet, personal library, and linguistics and communication study department library.
3.8     Method of Data analysis
          The methods of data analysis are both quantitative and qualitative. Results are presented in tables with sample percentage used to analyse the data generated in this study.

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