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Research Methodology On Factors Affecting the Utilization of Guidance and Counseling Services in Secondary Schools.


          The main aim of this chapter is to discuss clearly but briefly the following research procedures: research design, area of the study, population for the study, sample and sampling techniques, instrument for data collection, administration of the instrument, validity of the instrument, scoring of the instrument, data analysis and reliability of the instrument.
3.1     Research Design
          Descriptive study is used as a design for this study. Nwankwo (2011), defined descriptive survey as that type of research design in which the research design in which the researcher collects data from a large sample drawn from a given population and describes certain feature of the sample as they are of interest to the researcher, however without manipulating any independent variables of the study.
          Nwankwo (2002), also states that descriptive survey is that type of research, which concerns itself with ascertaining and establishing concerns itself with ascertaining and establishing the status-quo, facts or pieces of information at the time of the research and presenting such facts as they appear.
          In this study, the researcher will collect data from a large sample of students in order to find out the factors affecting the utilization of guidance and counseling services in secondary schools.
3.2     Area of Study
          This study is being carried out in Osisioma Ngwa Local Government Area, of Abia State. It is made up of people from many tribes and states. The population of Secondary School students in Osisioma Ngwa are large and many. And the students are made up of male and female from different families and socio-economic background Osisioma Ngwa Local Government Area is suitable for this study since it have a large population of Secondary School students.
3.3     Population of the Study
          Students in Senior Secondary from SSI-SSII will participate in this study despite their sex and tribe. Each of these Senior class have at least one hundred and fifty students (150).
3.4     Sample and Sampling Techniques
          A sample of 100 students will be chosen to participate in this study. The hand drawing method will be used to achieve the aim of this study. Five (5) Secondary Schools are randomly selected using the simple random sampling technique so as to ensure that the students chosen for this study are given a fair chance to participate, and also to avoid being bias.
3.5     Instrument for Data Collection
          A nine (9) item instrument will be used in this study and it will be termed “Factors Affecting the Utilization of Guidance and Counseling Services (FAUGCS). The instrument will be divided into sub-section A and B. the section A will contain the bio-data of every participant while section B will carry the test items.
3.6     Administration of the Instrument
          The researcher will give out copies of this instrument (questionnaire) to the students and also instruct them on how to fill or respond to it. The researcher must establish rapport with the students, and also maintain a cordial relationship. After some days, the copies of the filled questionnaire will be collected by the researcher for scoring and data analysis.
3.7     Validity of the Instrument
          After developing this instrument, a copy of it will be given to the project supervisor for scrutiny and after which the researcher will affect the suggested ions made by the expert.
3.8     Scoring of the Instrument
          The instrument ranges in two levels, Yes (Y) and No (N). The instrument will be given points ranging from Y-N. Base on the assigned points, the total scores of each respondent on the instrument will be obtained by adding the scores for all the items of the questionnaire.
3.9     Method of Data Analysis
          Data collected from this research will be analyzed using the sample percentage method. The items on this research instrument will be decoded and analyzed according to the number of research questions.
3.10   Reliability of the Instrument
          The researcher will repeat the test instruments to ensure accuracy and reliability. The test-retest method will be used. And the students will be test twice within the interval of two weeks.

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