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LiteratureReview On Factors Affecting the Utilization of Guidance and Counseling Services in Secondary Schools.

2.0 Introduction
          Public relations have been viewed from various perspective depending on the nature of the contributor that is involved. Some agree on certain points while others have divergent opinion on the contributions of public relation’s to organization or institution’s performance. Many scholars see public relations as an indispensable management tool largely responsible to the growth or other wise of an organization.
          The review of literature will be Minge on conceptual review, theoretical review and empirical review in evaluating public relations strategies in the University of Port Harcourt.

2.1 Conceptual Review
          In this subsection, we examined the conceptual review:
2.1.1 Public Relations Concept
          Public relations is the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain goodwill and mutual understanding between an organization and its publics, public relations activity is organized as a campaign or programme and is a continuous activity (Jefkins, 1998).
          Public relations consist of all forms of planned communication, outwards and inwards, between an organization and its publics for the purpose of achieving objectives concerning mutual understanding (p.2).
          The Mexican school in (1978) agreed that public relations practice is the art and social science of analyzing trends, predicting their consequences, counseling leaders, and implementing planned programmes of action which will serve both the organization’s and the public interest.
          It is this note that scholars accept public relations as an instrument of management which helps to establish and maintain flow of communication that results in mutual understanding, acceptance and co-operation between an organization and its various publics.
          Accordingly, Wilson (1997), “public relations is a management function of a continuing and planned character through which public and private organization and institution seeks to win and retain the understanding sympathy about themselves, in order to complete as far as possible their own policies as procedure to achieve by planned and widespread information, more productive co-operation and more efficient fulfillment of their common interest (P.117).
          This encompassing definition of public relations stresses its importance in the survival and successful management of any organization in support of public relations as a pivotal of understanding and co-operation, necessary for the survival and success of any organization, Ugboajah (1990) posit that public relations has its pivot as communication which is the key to understanding public relations. Since we have in a word of interdependent where we can only survive in corporation with others, no institution, organization or individual can survive with effective communication public relations is the nurturing of communication channel for survival (P.34).
          According to Allen et al (1990) public relations is the planned effort aimed at influencing public opinion through good character and responsible performance based upon mutually satisfactory two-way communication” it becomes imperative that public relations, irrespective of the organization, performs communication function. This function aids in eliciting the opinions, attitudes and reactions of the persons affected by the actions and inactions of the organization; and the evaluation of consequences.
          The duo also averred that “the essentiality of the relation is beyond debate, in a world bound together by interdependence and swift communication, yet split by recurring crises of change and confrontation. “This therefore necessitates the understanding and practice of public relations (P 67).
In alluding to this view (Okon, 1998) state that in its raw form, public relations employs the multiplexing tool communication to create mutual understanding, communication in this regard is supposedly a two-way flow.
          This communication function therefore suits university of Port Harcourt, because by operating in this line, public attitudes and opinions are known to the institution and appropriate measures are taken to avert public disfavored (P.90).
          This view of communication devotails in-line with the observation of Kata and Khan (1990), “communication is of broadest relevance to the function of any group, organization or institution, and is the very essence of a social system of any organization. “this is also why the British institute of public relations defined public relations as the deliberate, planned and sustained effort to establish mutual understanding and good will between an organization and its publics.
          In contextualizing this definition, Okon (1990) states that public relations is not accidental but rather a conscious action on the part of the organization. This definition also stresses goodwill which the Webster’s collegiate dictionary defined as “the favour or prestige that a business has acquired beyoung the mere value of what is sell”.
          This goodwill as used in the aforementioned context is earned and gained rather than bought. This according to Okon (1990) implies that public relations cannot be bought.
2.1.2 History of Public Relations
          In analyzing the origin of public relations, Bland (1987) is of the opinion that public relations is as old as man. He believes that human beings have been using public relations techniques subconsciously.
          Another scholar, Greener (1990) averred that the first recorded application of this practice dates back to the time of Moses. During this era, Aaron played a public relations role for Moses. He utilized all the persuasive techniques that are common with its practice. Okon (1998) asserts that public relations is age long, stating that the first practice was carried out by Adam and Eve when they were still derizens of the garden of Edem. After they disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit, they realized that they were naked, when God called upon them, they first through to cover their nudity before appearing in his presence. Writing on its potency and its history, cutting et al (1990) opined that the origin of public relations provides and helpful insight into its function, its strength and its weakness. To them, the history is fascinating. They hold that the effort to deal with the force of opinion and to communicate with others dates back to antiquity but the degree of specialization, breadth of knowledge and intensity of effort require today are relatively new.
          The duo also posits that the power of public opinion to control human affair have been recorded down through the centuries. They are of the view that although the term “public relations” was not coned until the eighteen (18th) century, the force of people opinion was recognized as well as demonstrated in ancient times.
          In Nigeria, the development of modern public relations started when the then colonia administration setup a public relations department, under the leadership of Mr. Harold Cooper, a public relations experts. Its then function was to monitor the reaction of the people to official policies and activities, serves as a liaison between the mass media and government; and also carrying out general public relations function for government. In 1962, two years after independence, the practice gained professional identity, when the association of Nigerian public relations formed under the leadership of Sam Ekpelle.
          This association helped to draw together an increased number of practitioners who over the years have become members, associates or affiliates of the British institute of public relations. The association subsequently adopted the more professional name of Nigeria institute of public relations which is making remaricable progress.

2.1.3 Functions of Public Relations in an Organization or                      Institute
          Administrative functions today would be incomplete without public relations as one of its major components. It is a management function which attempt to do the following:
a.           Evaluate public attitudes and opinion
b.           An organization policies, procedures and actions as they relate to the said organization’s public.
c.            Execution of an action and or communication programme.
d.           Development of rapport, goodwill, understanding and acceptance.
e.            The relationship between an organization and its publics.
Similarly, Ajayi (1997) Secs public.

2.2 Theoretical Review
In this point we examine the review:
2.2.1 Corporate Social Responsibility by Pete and Schramm (1963).

          This theory is based on the fact that freedom carries concomitant, responsibilities and obligation. This theory is based on the principle of give and take. It states that organization should see itself as indebted to its public in the perspective of being socially responsive in corporate management is all about.
          The expanding concentration of population, the development of new technologies and the rising economic affluence are some of the major causes of environmental problems. It is because of these problems that most groups are calling on businesses to be socially responsible to the society. The notion of “corporate social responsibility” has grown out of the alterations that have taken place in the social contact. As these changes have occurred for various reasons-affluence, education, increased awareness generated by the media. The expectation that society in general and societal segments in particular, have placed on business have to be known s its social responsibilities.
          The idea of social responsibilities supposes that the corporation has not only economic and legal obligations, but also certain responsibilities to society which extend these obligations.
2.3 Empirical Review
2.3.1 Public Relations Process
          The definition of public relations as relations with the general public through publicity, those functions of a corporation, organization, institution and more; concerned with informing the publics of its activities and policies. With an attempt to create favourable public opinions public relations is the planned effort to influence opinion through good character and responsible performance based upon mutually satisfactory two-way communication.
          In an attempt to establish and maintain this very important and mutual understading necessary for effective performance, an organization employs the public relations process of:
a.           Analyzing the need for the programme
b.           Developing the plan
c.            Pre-testing the plan
d.           Revising the plan
e.            Implementing the plan and;
f.             Evaluation (Wilson/1997).
Cutting and centre capture the processes under the following.
1.           Research and Listening: This involves probing the opinions, attitude and reactions of those concerned with that acts and policies of an organization, then evaluating the inflows. This task also requires determining fats regarding the organization “what’s our problem”.
2.           Planning-Decision Making: This involves brining the attitudes opinions, ideas and reactions to hear on the policies and programmes of the organization. It will enable the organization to chart a course in the interest of all concerned. “here’s what we can do”.
3.           Communication Action: This involves explaining and dramatizing the chosen course is all those who may be affected and those who support is essential. “Here’s what we did and why:?
4.           Evaluation: This involves evaluating the results of the programme and effectiveness of the technique used. “how did we do”?
Accordingly, Ajayi (1997) posit that, the process consists of the following, application of the situation definition of objectives, identification of the publics or target, choice of the media and techniques, budget and evaluation of results.
 However, one term emphasized by many definitions of the concept has been a subject of controversy as its misunderstanding has led many organizations or management into leaning the substance of public relations to chase shadows.
The term is “image”, its misunderstanding has led to many organizations to spend some much time and money on publicity instead of the substance which leads to mutual understanding. In alluding to this controversy and propaganda bout image building approach in public relations, Ndimele citing Oyeneye (1997) defines image as the impression, feeling or opinion which somebody has about an organization product, services, or individual as a result of his contact with any of them.
Finally, effective public relations can serve as a panacea for the myriad of bad images held by this institution which are predominantly due to hasty generalization and misconception. As its primordial function, it does not entail portraying of good image but also ensuring that this image is not ephemeral relations as a management functions which handles complant, suggestions provides information to management, represent management at various meeting organizes annual events. It also maintain close hason with the press and handles outward flow of information using press releases (P.21).
2.1.4 Public Relations Strategies
          Public relations professionals use many different strategies including news management, community relations management and lobbying.
a)                 New Management.
News management according Nnandi (2010) create public relations message to generate favourable publicity’s they are also created to maintain contact with reporters (media relations).
b.       Community Relations: Is created to maintain good relations both management and community groups; use corporate and sponsorship and make charitable contributions on both local or national levels.
c.       Crisis management adopted to repair a client’s public image following an error; guide corporate response to an emergency and to rehabilitate public image following “scandal.
d.       Lobbying-adopted to monitor the activities of government; maintain relationship with either the community or its internal publics and to enable them disseminate accurate information (Nnandi 2010).

2.1.5 Public Relations Tools
          Public relations practitioners perform their functions using a variety of tools, some of these are brochures, newsletters, and company or institutional memos are fairly traditional. We will look at some specialized tools, especially those used to reach out to external public press release, video news releases, press kit, special events and corporate relationship (P 14).
Press Releases
A press release, also known as news form, that contains the information needed to write a news report. Press release are often written by public relations firm on clients letter heads, with prominent contact information in the upper-left hand corner. Their sole purpose is to place favourable information about the client or product in a news report. Press release that arrive as digital file to be inserted into a newspaper features or editorial sections with no change are known as carried news. (P. 14).
Video news releases
          A video news release is ready to broad tape designed for use in television news programme. Created by professionals, these videos feature good production values. Most VNR include not only a reproduced news story complete with reporter and voice cover, but also the same footage without the reporter to allow stations to use their own reporters to package the story.

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