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          This chapter discuses the result according to the research question posed, conclusion were drawn, educational implication of the study were pointed out, recommendations made, limitations of the study were highlighted and suggestion for further studies.

5.1     Discussion of Finding
          The study investigated the influence of climate change on growing agricultural product in Akwa Ibom State. The discuss is made according to research questions.

5.1.1  Effect of Climate Change on the Socio-Economic                         Characteristics of Farmers

          Research question one stated; How does climate change affect the socio-economic characteristics of farmers?
          Results obtained from table 1 shows that climate change has effect on the socio-economic characteristics of farmers. It is observed from the analysis that climate change increase farmers earning. Majority of the respondents agreed to the analysis while very few respondents disagreed.
          The analysis confirmed that climate change does not bring about poverty among farmers, majority of the respondents agreed to the above analysis. In the third question items analysis, it shows that climate change does not affect illiterate farmers. Majority of the respondents agreed to the analysis while very few respondents disagreed.
          The analysis confirmed that climate change does not bring about poverty among farmers, majority of the respondents agreed to the above analysis. In the third question items analysis, it shows that climate change does not affect illiterate farmers. Majority of the respondents agreed that climate change affect social lives of the farmers. We also discovered that climate change cannot be a barrier to relevant information to farmers, that climate change does not reduce family size of the farmers, that climate change cause stunted growth in crops, that climate change affect crop yields and that climate change determine food quantity.
          The finding is inline with the work of Steffen (2004). The climate change issue is global long term and involves complex interaction between demographic, climatic, environment economic health, political institutional, social and technological process. It has significant international and intergenerational implications in the context of equity and sustainable development. Climate change will impact on social, economic and environment system and shape prospects for food, water and health security.
5.1.2  Influence of Climate Change on Growing Cocoa
          Research question two state; What is the influence of climate change on growing cocoa?
          The results shown on table 2 revealed, that prolong high temperature causes reduction in cocoa production, that prolong wet season slow down drying and processing of cocoa seeds, that sunshine help farmers in drying cocoa seeds, that drought cause shift in planting of cocoa seeds, that climate change affect the yield of cocoa, also that drought does not encourage cocoa seed germination. The analysis discovered that in the sixteenth analysis, sun drying reduces water contents of coca seed, seventeenth analysis has it that climate change causes low maturity of cocoa and eighteenth analysis confirmed that low yield in cocoa is caused by climate change. The results of the nineteenth analysis shows that mortality rate of cocoa seedling is encourage by drought while the twenty analysis revealed that black pod diseases of cocoa are mostly destructive during wet season.
          This is inline with Oluyole and Emaku (2013) who asserted that cocoa production is highly sensitive to climate changes from length and intensity of sunshine, to rainfall and weather application, soil condition and temperature due to evapotranspiration effects. Again, planting of cocoa is highly determine by the start of the rain and cocoa seedling mortality is encourage by a prolonged drought. He said in bearing (matured) plant, the existence of drought can result in lower yield by way of reducing bean size and an increase in the level of mind infestation. On the other hand, two much rainfall causes black pod disease.
5.1.3  Influence of Climate Change on Growing Fluted                                    Pumpkin
          Research question three, what is the influence of climate change on growing fluted pumpkin?
          In the results shown on table 3 revealed that in the twenty first analysis, fluted pumpkin does not like much sunshine, the twenty second analysis has it, that fluted pumpkin seed is rainy season. Based on the twenty-three analysis climate change affect the yield of fluted pumpkin. It was also discovered in the twenty-four analysis that climate change cause low maturity of fluted pumpkin pod and the twenty fifth analysis shows that climate change interms of prolong dry season causes discolouration of fluted pumpkin leaves.
          According to Njoku (2012) the unpredictable climate condition, changes in rainfall pattern, changes in rainfall distribution, reduced yield of fluted pumpkin and reduction of family income are the major effects of climate change on fluted pumpkin production.

5.1.4  Effect of Climate Change on Fish farming
          Research question four states; How does climate change affect fish farming.
          The results shown in table 4, the respondents observed that climate change affect fish farming. In the twenty-seven analysis, we discovered that increase sea level causes flooding and wave. Other analysis has that flooding disrupt fishing activities, that windy season increase the rate of fishing trap and boat destruction. Also, the thirty-first analysis has it that a rise in water temperature result in increase mortality of fishes.
          Thirty-two analysis shows that sea storm causes increase in travelling cost to fishing ground.
          This is in agreement with Kingsway Agro Service (2012) who asserted that, there strong interactions between the effects of fishing and the effect of climate because fishing reduces the age size geographic diversity of populations and the biodiversity of marine ecosystems, making both more sensitive to additional stresses such a s climate change. Inland fisheries are additionally threatened by changes in precipitation and water management. The frequency and intensity of extreme climate events is likely to have a major impact on future fisheries production in both inland and marine systems. Reducing fishing mortality in the majority of fisheries, which are currently fully exploited or over exploited, is the principal feasible means of reducing the impact of climate change.
5.1.5  Strategies Adopted in Sustaining Different Crop                                    Production

          Research question five states; what coping strategies were adopted by farmers in sustaining the different crops production pattern.
          We discovered in table 5 analysis, that using new and improve varieties maximize yield and resist diseases, using fertilizes and organic manure and using herbicide and pesticide and practicing irrigation are strategies adopted by farmers in sustaining the different crop production pattern. Also, the thirty-seven analysis has it that, using drought tolerant species is one of the strategy for sustaining different crop production pattern. This is inline with the work of Rozanov (2013) which state despite the climatic condition, rise in population and decline in cropped land farmers have focused on increasing productivity. They achieved by introducing different crop production patter such as using new and improved varieties designed to maximize yields, disease resist varieties, using fertilizer and organic manure using herbicides and pesticides, practicing irrigation using drought tolerant species etc.
5.2     Conclusion
          Based on the result of findings of the study, the following conclusion were drawn;
1.     Climate change has effect on socio-economic characteristics of farmers. However, each country naturally concerned with potential damages benefits that may rise over coming decade climate change impacts on its territory as well as globally, since these will affect domestic and internal policies, trading patterns, resources used, regional planning and ultimately the welfare of its people.
2.     Climate change influence production of cocoa. Rainfall significantly affected cocoa output, Oluyole (2013) said there is significant correlation between cocoa output and rainfall as well as cocoa output and humidity.
3.     Climate change influence production of fluted pumpkin. Changes in rainfall pattern, changes in rainfall distribution, reduced yield of fluted pumpkin and these are major effects of climate change on fluted pumpkin production.
4.     Climate change also has influence on fish farming. Fish productions are threatened by changes in precipitation and water management. And the frequency and intensity of extreme climate events is likely to have a major impact on future fisheries production in both inland and marine system.
5.     Farmers adopted the following strategies in sustaining crop production pattern; use of new and improved varieties, disease resistant varieties, application of fertilizer and organic manure, application of herbicide, practice of irrigation, use of drought tolerant species.
5.3     Educational Implication of the Study
          Climate change has effects on the socio-economic life of the farmers. Prolong rainfall and high temperature affect farmers crops, thus lowering yield and earnings of the farmers.
          Climate change causes low yield in cocoa production. Prolong drought cause low maturity and encourages mortality rate of cocoa seedling. Such climate change affects the earnings of farmers and brings about shortage in cocoa products.
          Climate change low yield in fluted pumpkin. Fluted pumpkin should be planted at the start of rainy season for healthy growth and increase in yield. Low yield and immaturity can be experience when there is prolong drought.
          Flooding, increase sea level, storm increase in temperature can disrupt fishing activities. The study would help the farmers to understand challenges involves in fish farming and possible solution to the challenges.
          With the strategies of sustaining crop production, farmers can have increase in productions and improve their earnings as well.
5.4     Recommendations
          Based on the findings of this study and the educational implication, the following recommendations were made:
1.     Government and relevant authorities should make improve extension service that can provide the needed farming inputs (fluted pumpkin seeds and cocoa seeds or seedlings).
2.     Farmers should increase the yields by greater use of chemical fertilizer, pesticide and organic manure. Hence government must encourage the use of more organic plant nutrient to complement chemicals.
3.     Chemical fertilizer and pesticides should be subsidies to the farmers to promote productivity especially on commercially oriented agricultural areas where their environmental damage have already out-weigh the productivity.
4.     Government and some other well-meaning organization should provide farmers with the opportunities to workshops, seminar and public exhibitions to enlighten them on the useful and relevant informations on climate change. And also, adoption strategies should made known to the farmers.
5.     Reducing fishing mortality rate in the majority of fisheries which are currently fully exploited or over exploited is the principal feasible means of reducing the impacts of climate change. Hence, information on climate change should be made available to the fish farmers.
5.5     Limitation of the Study
          The study could have been extended to other Local Government in Akwa Ibom state but the financial constraints were the obstacle.
          Other limitations were attitude of the respondents, poor road net-work and high transportation to meet farmers in the rural areas.
          Another limitation was unavailability of relevant materials related to the topic. Non-cooperation of farm manager and relevant government agencies cause a delay in the questionnaire administration and the entire write up.
          Hence, the researcher has tried to ensure that the research work merit, the validity and reliability required which the findings and recommendations made could be followed positively.
5.6     Suggestions for Further Studies
          This study has been carried out in one (1) out of thirty-one (31) Local Government Area in the state. There is need to conduct this type of research study in other local Government Area in state. It is suggested that the study be undertaken in all the Local Government and state in Nigeria to determine the effect of climate change on growing agricultural products, in order to safeguard food security in the country and satisfy the growing population with the products.

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                                                          Department of Curriculum Studies 
                                                          and Educational Technology,
                                                          Faculty of Education,
                                                          University of Port Harcourt,
                                                          Rivers State.

Dear Respondent,


You are required to supply information to the following statement. It is merely for academic purpose. Any information you supply shall be treated as confidential.

Kindly answer the questions on the attached sheets by choosing the alternative that suit you.

                                                                             Yours sincerely,



Instruction: Please tick (√) the correct box and fill in where necessary.


Personal Data

1.     Name:         ---------------------------------------
2.     Address:     ---------------------------------------
3.     Sex:   Male Female
4.     Marital status:
a.     Married
b.     Single
c.      Divorced
d.     Widow
e.      Widower
5.      Age:
a.     Below 21-30yrs
b.     31-40yrs
c.      41-50yrs
d.     51 and above
6.     Full time farmer:
a.     Yes
b.     No
7.     Aim of production
a.     Sale
b.     Consumption
8.     Farming experience:
a.     1-10 yrs
b.     11-20
c.      21-30
9.     Area of farming:
a.     Mixed cropping
b.     Mono cropping
c.      Mixed farming
d.     Fish farming 
10.            List crops cultivation:
a.     Cocoa
b.     Fluted pumpkin

Section B:
Instruction: Please tick (√) the option that suit you
a.     Strong agree (SA)
b.     Agree (A)
c.      Strongly Disagree (SA)
d.     Disagree (D)
e.      Undecided (U)


Climate change increase farmers earnings

Climate change bring about poverty among farmers

Climate change affect illiterate farmers

Climate change affect the social life of the farmers

Climate change affect the relevant information to the farmers

Climate change bring about reduction in family size

Climate change make crops have stunted growth

Climate change affect the yield of crops

Food quantity is determine by climate change

Influence of climate change on growing cocoa

Prolong high temperature causes reduction in cocoa production

Prolong wet season slow down drying and processing of cocoa seeds

Sunshine help farmers in drying cocoa seed

Drought causes a shift in cocoa planting season

Climate change affect the yield of cocoa

Drought encourages cocoa seed germination

Sun drying reduces the water content of cocoa seeds

Climate change cause low maturity of cocoa

Mortality rate of cocoa seedling is encourage by drought 

Black pod diseases of cocoa are mostly destructive during wet season


Fluted pumpkin like much sunshine

Fluted pumpkin seed is planted by the start of rain

Climate change affect the yield of fluted pumpkin pods

Climate change causes low maturity of fluted pumpkin pod

Climate change interms of prolong dry season causes discolouration of fluted pumpkin leaves.


Climate change affect fish farming

Increase sea level causes flooding and wave

Flooding disrupt fishing activities

Storm disrupt fishing activities

Windy season increase the rate of destruction of fish trap and boat

Increase temperature result in increase in mortality rate of fishes

Sea storm causes increasing travelling cost to fishing ground


Using new and improved varieties maximize yield and resist disease

Using fertilizer and organic manure to improve yield

Using herbicide and pesticide

Irrigation practice

Use of drought tolerant varieties

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