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2.0            Introduction
          Communication has always been with man to co-exist with his neigbour in the community. Life is dependent in the community that is why man has to interact with his neighbour to be happy and comfortable, man communicates to receive, assimilate and disseminate information. To this effect man has been described as a communicating animal. As human beings we are involved in one form of communication or the other every minute of our lives. We communicate within ourselves. We can also interact with other people. Ndimele, O.M (2005).

2.1            Theoretical Review
          This study is anchored on Development Communication Theory. Development Communication can also be called communication for development. It simply means applying communication principles to d evelopment objectives to a society. It is a multi-communication approach aimed at informing, empowering, educating and mobilizing people to better their lives in a sustainable way.
check on my next article to read on Development communication has three approaches or parading which are


2.0            Introduction
          Communication has always been with man to co-exist with his neigbour in the community. Life is dependent in the community that is why man has to interact with his neighbour to be happy and comfortable, man communicates to receive, assimilate and disseminate information. To this effect man has been described as a communicating animal. As human beings we are involved in one form of communication or the other every minute of our lives. We communicate within ourselves. We can also interact with other people. Ndimele, O.M (2005).

2.1            Theoretical Review
          This study is anchored on Development Communication Theory. Development Communication can also be called communication for development. It simply means applying communication principles to development objectives to a society. It is a multi-communication approach aimed at informing, empowering, educating and mobilizing people to better their lives in a sustainable world.


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